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1# Authors: Sylvain MARIE <sylvain.marie@se.com> 

2# + All contributors to <https://github.com/smarie/python-azureml-client> 


4# License: 3-clause BSD, <https://github.com/smarie/python-azureml-client/blob/master/LICENSE> 

5import sys 

6from contextlib import contextmanager 

7from inspect import getmembers, isroutine 

8from logging import getLogger, StreamHandler, INFO 

9from warnings import warn 


11try: # python 3+ 

12 from configparser import ConfigParser 

13except ImportError: 

14 from ConfigParser import ConfigParser 


16try: # python 3.5+ 

17 from typing import Dict, List, Callable, Union, Optional 

18 from logging import Logger 

19except ImportError: 

20 pass 


22from decopatch import function_decorator, DECORATED 

23from makefun import wraps 

24from requests import Session 


26import pandas as pd 


28from azmlclient.clients_callmodes import CallMode, Batch, RequestResponse, LocalCallMode 

29from azmlclient.clients_config import ClientConfig 

30from azmlclient.utils_requests import debug_requests 



33# default logger that may be used by clients 

34default_logger = getLogger('azmlclient') 

35ch = StreamHandler(sys.stdout) 





40AZML_SERVICE_ID = '__azml_service__' 



43class LocalCallModeNotAllowed(Exception): 

44 """ 

45 Exception raised when users call a method corresponding to a 

46 """ 

47 __slots__ = 'f', 


49 def __init__(self, f): 

50 self.f = f 

51 super(LocalCallModeNotAllowed, self).__init__() 


53 def __str__(self): 

54 return repr(self) 


56 def __repr__(self): 

57 azml_service_name = get_azureml_service_name(self.f) 

58 return "function '%s' (service '%s') is remote-only and can not be executed in local mode " \ 

59 "(`allow_local=False`). Please change call mode to request-response or batch before using it." \ 

60 % (self.f.__name__, azml_service_name) 




64def azureml_service(service_name=None, # type: str 

65 remote_only=False, # type: bool 


67 ): 

68 """ 

69 A decorator for methods in your `AzureMLClient` subclasses, that you should use to indicate that a given method 

70 corresponds to an AzureML service. That way, the `AzureMLClient` base class will be able to link this method 

71 with local implementation and with the service configuration (url, api key). 


73 This decorator performs two things: 

74 - It wraps the decorated method into a method able to route "local"-mode calls to `self.call_local_service` 

75 - It adds the `AZML_SERVICE_ID` attribute with the `service_name` so that the method is known as being 

76 AzureML-related, and therefore the appropriate service configuration can be looked up. 


78 :param service_name: the optional service name appearing in the `AzureMLClient` configuration (`ClientConfig`). By 

79 default this is `None` and means that the method name should be used as the service name. 

80 :param remote_only: a boolean (default False) indicating if a service should be considered remote-only. If True, an 

81 appropriate exception will be raised if the service is used in local mode. 

82 """ 

83 @wraps(f) 

84 def f_wrapper(self, # type: AzureMLClient 

85 *args, 

86 **kwargs): 

87 """ 


89 :param self: 

90 :param args: 

91 :param kwargs: 

92 :return: 

93 """ 

94 if self.is_local_mode(): 

95 if not remote_only: 

96 # execute the same method on local implementor rather than client. 

97 return self.call_local_service(f.__name__, *args, **kwargs) 

98 else: 

99 raise LocalCallModeNotAllowed(f_wrapper) 

100 else: 

101 # execute as usual 

102 return f(self, *args, **kwargs) 


104 # tag the method as being related to an AzureML service with given id 

105 setattr(f_wrapper, AZML_SERVICE_ID, service_name) 

106 return f_wrapper 



109def get_azureml_service_name(f): 

110 """ 

111 Returns the AzureML service name associated with method `f`. 

112 :param f: 

113 :return: 

114 """ 

115 try: 

116 # If this is the bound (=instance) method, get the unbound (=class) one 

117 if hasattr(f, '__func__'): 

118 f = f.__func__ 

119 azml_name = getattr(f, AZML_SERVICE_ID) 

120 except AttributeError: 

121 raise ValueError("Method '%s' can not be bound to an AzureML service, please decorate it with " 

122 "@azureml_service." % f.__name__) 

123 else: 

124 return azml_name if azml_name is not None else f.__name__ 



127class AzureMLClient: 

128 """ 

129 Base class for AzureML clients. 


131 A client is configured with a mandatory `ClientConfig` object describing global and per-service options (endpoint 

132 urls, api keys). 


134 It provides a way to create them from a configuration containing endpoint definitions, 

135 and to declare a local implementation 

136 """ 


138 def __init__(self, 

139 client_config, # type: ClientConfig 

140 logger=default_logger, # type: Logger 

141 default_call_mode=None, # type: CallMode 

142 requests_session=None, # type: Session 

143 auto_close_session=None # type: bool 

144 ): 

145 """ 

146 Creates an `AzureMLClient` with an initial `ClientConfig` containing the global and per-service configurations. 


148 Constructor with a global configuration and service endpoint configurations. The service endpoint 

149 configurations should be provided in a dictionary with keys being the service names. Only names declared in the 

150 'services' meta attribute of the class will be accepted, otherwise and error will be raised. Note that you may 

151 provide configurations for some services only. 


153 A `requests.Session` object is automatically created when the client is created, and possibly configured with 

154 the proxy information obtained from the `ClientConfig`. The `Session` is automatically closed when the client 

155 instance is garbaged out. A custom `Session` can be passed to the constructor instead. It won't be closed nor 

156 configured by default, the user should do it (using `session.close()` and `<config>.configure_session(session)` 

157 respectively). 


159 :param client_config: a configuration for this component client. It should be valid = contain sections for 

160 each service in this client. The configuration can contain proxy information, in which case it will 

161 be used to configure the underlying requests Session that is created. 

162 :param logger: 

163 :param default_call_mode: (advanced) if a non-None `CallMode` instance is provided, it will be used as the 

164 default call mode for this client. Otherwise by default a request-response call mode will be set as the 

165 default call mode (`RequestResponse()`) 

166 :param requests_session: (advanced) an optional `Session` object to use (from `requests` lib). If `None` is 

167 provided, a new `Session` will be used, possibly configured with the proxy information in the `ClientConfig` 

168 and deleted when this object is garbaged out. If a custom object is provided, you should close it yourself 

169 or switch `auto_close_session` to `True` explicitly. You should also configure it yourself, for example 

170 with `<config>.configure_session(session)`. 

171 :param auto_close_session: an optional boolean indicating if `self.session` should be closed when this object 

172 is garbaged out. By default this is `None` and means "`True` if no custom `requests_session` is passed, else 

173 `False`"). Turning this to `False` can leave hanging Sockets unclosed. 

174 """ 

175 # save the attributes 

176 self.client_config = client_config 

177 self.logger = logger 

178 if default_call_mode is None: 178 ↛ 181line 178 didn't jump to line 181, because the condition on line 178 was never false

179 # by default make this a request response 

180 default_call_mode = RequestResponse() 

181 self._current_call_mode = default_call_mode 


183 # init the local impl property 

184 self._local_impl = None 


186 if requests_session is None: 186 ↛ 192line 186 didn't jump to line 192, because the condition on line 186 was never false

187 # create and configure a session 

188 self.session = Session() 

189 self.global_cfg.configure_session(self.session) 

190 else: 

191 # custom provided : do not configure it 

192 self.session = requests_session 


194 # auto-close behaviour 

195 if auto_close_session is None: 195 ↛ 198line 195 didn't jump to line 198, because the condition on line 195 was never false

196 # default: only auto-close if this session was created by us. 

197 auto_close_session = requests_session is None 

198 self.auto_close_session = auto_close_session 


200 def __del__(self): 

201 """ 

202 This is called when the garbage collector deletes this object. 

203 Let's use this opportunity to close the requests Session to avoid 

204 leaving hanging Sockets, see https://github.com/smarie/python-odsclient/issues/27 

205 """ 

206 if self.auto_close_session and self.session is not None: 206 ↛ exitline 206 didn't return from function '__del__', because the condition on line 206 was never false

207 try: 

208 # close the underlying `requests.Session` 

209 self.session.close() 

210 except Exception as e: 

211 warn("Error while closing session: %r" % e) 


213 # --------- remote service calls implementation 


215 @property 

216 def service_methods(self): 

217 """ 

218 returns a dictionary of all service methods referenced by AzureML service name. 

219 These are all methods in the class that have been decorated with `@azureml_service` 

220 :return: 

221 """ 

222 return {get_azureml_service_name(v[1]): v[1] 

223 for v in getmembers(self.__class__, predicate=lambda x: isroutine(x) and hasattr(x, AZML_SERVICE_ID))} 


225 @property 

226 def service_names(self): 

227 """ 

228 Returns the list of all service names - basically the names of the `service_methods` 

229 :return: 

230 """ 

231 return self.service_methods.keys() 


233 # --------- local implementor 


235 def __init_local_impl__(self): 

236 """ 

237 Implementors should create a local implementation and return it 

238 :return: 

239 """ 

240 raise NotImplementedError("Local execution is not available for this client. Please override " 

241 "`__init_local_impl__` or set a non-none `self._local_impl` if you wish local calls " 

242 "to be made available") 


244 @property 

245 def local_impl(self): 

246 if self._local_impl is None: 246 ↛ 248line 246 didn't jump to line 248, because the condition on line 246 was never false

247 self._local_impl = self.__init_local_impl__() 

248 return self._local_impl 


250 def call_local_service(self, 

251 function_name, # type: str 

252 *args, **kwargs): 

253 """ 

254 This method is called automatically when a service method (i.e. decorated with `@azureml_service`) 

255 is called and this instance is in "local" mode. It delegates to local. 


257 :param function_name: 

258 :param args: 

259 :param kwargs: 

260 :return: 

261 """ 

262 local_provider = self.local_impl 

263 local_method = getattr(local_provider, function_name) 

264 return local_method(*args, **kwargs) 


266 # --------- configuration 


268 @property 

269 def client_config(self): 

270 return self._client_config 


272 @client_config.setter 

273 def client_config(self, 

274 client_config # type: ClientConfig 

275 ): 

276 # validate configuration before accepting it 

277 client_config.assert_valid_for_services(self.service_names) 

278 self._client_config = client_config 


280 # ------ convenience methods 


282 @property 

283 def global_cfg(self): 

284 return self.client_config.global_config 


286 @property 

287 def services_cfg_dct(self): 

288 return self.client_config.services_configs 


290 # ------ call modes 

291 @property 

292 def current_call_mode(self): 

293 if self._current_call_mode is None: 293 ↛ 294line 293 didn't jump to line 294, because the condition on line 293 was never true

294 raise ValueError("Current call mode is None. Please set a call mode (local, rr, batch...) by using the " 

295 "appropriate context manager") 

296 return self._current_call_mode 


298 @current_call_mode.setter 

299 def current_call_mode(self, current_call_mode): 

300 self._current_call_mode = current_call_mode 


302 def is_local_mode(self): 

303 """ 


305 :return: 

306 """ 

307 return isinstance(self.current_call_mode, LocalCallMode) 


309 # --- context managers to switch call mode 


311 def local_calls(self): 

312 """ 

313 Alias for the `call_mode` context manager to temporarily switch this client to 'local' mode 


315 >>> with client.local_calls(): 

316 >>> client.my_service(foo) 

317 """ 

318 return self.call_mode(LocalCallMode()) 


320 def rr_calls(self, 

321 use_swagger_format=False # type: bool 

322 ): 

323 """ 

324 Alias for the `call_mode` context manager to temporarily switch this client to 'request response' mode 


326 >>> with client.rr_calls(): 

327 >>> client.my_service(foo) 

328 """ 

329 return self.call_mode(RequestResponse(use_swagger_format=use_swagger_format)) 


331 def batch_calls(self, 

332 polling_period_seconds=5, # type: int 

333 ): 

334 """ 

335 Alias for the `call_mode` context manager to temporarily switch this client to 'batch' mode 


337 >>> with client.batch_calls(polling_period_seconds=5): 

338 >>> client.my_service(foo) 

339 """ 

340 return self.call_mode(Batch(polling_period_seconds=polling_period_seconds)) 


342 @contextmanager 

343 def call_mode(self, 

344 mode # type: CallMode 

345 ): 

346 """ 

347 Context manager to temporarily switch this client to `mode` CallMode 


349 >>> with client.call_mode(Batch(polling_period_seconds=20)): 

350 >>> client.my_service(foo) 


352 :param mode: the `CallMode` to switch to 

353 :return: 

354 """ 

355 previous_mode = self.current_call_mode 

356 self.current_call_mode = mode 

357 yield 

358 self.current_call_mode = previous_mode 


360 def debug_requests(self): 

361 """ 

362 Context manager to temporarily enable debug mode on requests. 


364 :return: 

365 """ 

366 return debug_requests() 


368 # ------ 


370 def call_azureml(self, 

371 service_id, # type: Union[str, Callable] 

372 ws_inputs, # type: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] 

373 ws_output_names, # type: Optional[List[str]] 

374 ws_params=None, # type: Dict[str, str] 

375 ): 

376 """ 

377 Calls the service identified with id service_id in the services configuration. 


379 Inputs 


381 :param service_id: a string identifier or a method representing the service 

382 :param ws_inputs: a (name, DataFrame) dictionary of web service inputs 

383 :param ws_output_names: a list of web service outputs, or `None` to allow all outputs to be received 

384 :param ws_params: a (param_name, value) dictionary of web service parameters 

385 :return: 

386 """ 

387 # -- one can provide a method as the service id 

388 if callable(service_id): 388 ↛ 392line 388 didn't jump to line 392, because the condition on line 388 was never false

389 service_id = get_azureml_service_name(service_id) 


391 # -- Retrieve service configuration 

392 if service_id not in self.client_config.services_configs.keys(): 392 ↛ 393line 392 didn't jump to line 393, because the condition on line 392 was never true

393 raise ValueError('Unknown service_id: \'' + service_id + '\'') 

394 else: 

395 service_config = self.client_config.services_configs[service_id] 


397 # -- Perform call according to options 

398 return self.current_call_mode.call_azureml(service_id, 

399 service_config=service_config, ws_inputs=ws_inputs, 

400 ws_output_names=ws_output_names, ws_params=ws_params, 

401 session=self.session) 



404def unpack_single_value_from_df(name, # type: str 

405 df, # type: pd.DataFrame 

406 allow_empty=True # type: bool 

407 ): 

408 """ 

409 Utility method to unpack a single value from a DataFrame. 

410 If allow_empty is True (default), an empty DataFrame will be accepted and None will be returned. 


412 :param name: the name of the DataFrame, for validation purposes 

413 :param df: 

414 :param allow_empty: 

415 :return: 

416 """ 

417 values = df.values.ravel() 

418 if len(values) == 1: 

419 return values[0] 

420 elif len(values) == 0 and allow_empty: 

421 return None 

422 else: 

423 raise ValueError("DataFrame '%s' is supposed to contain a single value but does not: \n%s" % (name, df))