Coverage for genbadge/tests/ 94%

137 statements  

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1import platform 

2import sys 

3from shutil import copy 


5import click 

6from distutils.version import LooseVersion 


8import pytest 



11 from pathlib import Path 

12except ImportError: # pragma: no cover 

13 from pathlib2 import Path # python 2 


15from click.testing import CliRunner 

16from genbadge.main import genbadge as genbadge_cmd 



19TESTS_FOLDER = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() 



22class CmdReference: 

23 """ 

24 Container class used to store our test reference for all commands 

25 """ 

26 def __init__(self, name, default_infile, default_outfile, example_input_file, example_output_msg, 

27 example_output_msg_long, help_msg): 

28 = name 

29 self.default_infile = default_infile 

30 self.default_outfile = default_outfile 

31 self.example_input_file = example_input_file 

32 self.example_output_msg = example_output_msg 

33 self.example_output_msg_long = example_output_msg_long 

34 self.help_msg = help_msg 


36 def __str__(self): 

37 return 



40TEST_CMD = CmdReference( 

41 name="tests", 

42 default_infile="reports/junit/junit.xml", 

43 default_outfile = "tests-badge.svg", 

44 example_input_file=(TESTS_FOLDER / "reports" / "junit" / "junit.xml").as_posix(), 

45 example_output_msg="SUCCESS - Tests badge created: %r\n", 

46 example_output_msg_long=""" 

47Test statistics parsed successfully from %r 

48 - Nb tests: Total (6) = Success (2) + Skipped (1) + Failed (2) + Errors (1) 

49 - Success percentage: 40.00%% (2 / 5) (Skipped tests are excluded) 


51SUCCESS - Tests badge created: %r 


53 help_msg="""Usage: genbadge tests [OPTIONS] 


55 This command generates a badge for the test results, from an XML file in the 

56 junit format. Such a file can be for example generated from python pytest 

57 using the --junitxml flag, or from java junit. 


59 By default the input file is the relative `./reports/junit/junit.xml` and the 

60 output file is `./tests-badge.svg`. You can change these settings with the 

61 `-i/--input_file` and `-o/--output-file` options. 


63 By default the badge will have the name "tests" as the left-hand side text. 

64 You can change these settings with the `-n/--name` option. The left-hand side 

65 text can be left blank with `-n ""` or have the left-hand side of the badge 

66 completely removed by passing `--noname`. 


68 You can use the verbose flag `-v/--verbose` to display information on the 

69 input file contents, for verification. 


71 The resulting badge will by default look like this: [tests | 6/12] where 6 is 

72 the number of tests that have run successfully, and 12 is the total number of 

73 tests minus the number of skipped tests. When all tests pass with success, the 

74 badge simply shows the number of tests [tests | 12]. You can change the 

75 appearance of the badge with the --format option (not implemented, todo). 


77 The success percentage is defined as 6/12 = 50.0%. You can use the 

78 `-t/--threshold` flag to setup a minimum success percentage required. If the 

79 success percentage is below the threshold, an error will be raised and the 

80 badge will not be generated. 



83 -i, --input-file FILENAME An alternate test results XML file to read. 

84 '-' is supported and means <stdin>. 

85 -o, --output-file FILENAME An alternate SVG badge file to write to. '-' 

86 is supported and means <stdout>. Note that in 

87 this case no other message will be printed to 

88 <stdout>. In particular the verbose flag will 

89 have no effect. 

90 -n, --name TEXT An alternate SVG badge text name to display on 

91 the left-hand side of the badge. 

92 -t, --threshold FLOAT An optional success percentage threshold to 

93 use. The command will fail with exit code 1 if 

94 theactual success percentage is strictly less 

95 than the provided value. 

96 --withname / --noname Indicates if a badge should be generated with 

97 or without the left-hand side of the badge. 

98 -w, --webshields / -l, --local Indicates if badges should be generated using 

99 the HTTP API (default) or the local 

100 SVG file template included. 

101 -v, --verbose Use this flag to print details to stdout 

102 during the badge generation process. Note that 

103 this flag has no effect when '-' is used as 

104 output, since the badge is written to 

105 <stdout>. It also has no effect when the 

106 silent flag `-s` is used. 

107 -s, --silent When this flag is active nothing will be 

108 written to stdout. Note that this flag has no 

109 effect when '-' is used as the output file. 

110 --help Show this message and exit. 



113COV_CMD = CmdReference( 

114 name="coverage", 

115 default_infile="reports/coverage/coverage.xml", 

116 default_outfile = "coverage-badge.svg", 

117 example_input_file=(TESTS_FOLDER / "reports" / "coverage" / "coverage.xml").as_posix(), 

118 example_output_msg="SUCCESS - Coverage badge created: %r\n", 

119 example_output_msg_long=""" 

120Coverage results parsed successfully from %r 

121 - Branch coverage: 5.56%% (1/18) 

122 - Line coverage: 17.81%% (13/73) 

123 - Total coverage: 15.38%% ((1+13)/(18+73)) 


125SUCCESS - Coverage badge created: %r 


127 help_msg="""Usage: genbadge coverage [OPTIONS] 


129 This command generates a badge for the coverage results, from an XML file in 

130 the 'coverage' format. Such a file can be for example generated using the 

131 python `coverage` tool, or java `cobertura`. 


133 By default the input file is the relative `./reports/coverage/coverage.xml` 

134 and the output file is `./coverage-badge.svg`. You can change these settings 

135 with the `-i/--input_file` and `-o/--output-file` options. 


137 By default the badge will have the name "coverage" as the left-hand side text. 

138 You can change these settings with the `-n/--name` option. The left-hand side 

139 text can be left blank with `-n ""` or have the left-hand side of the badge 

140 completely removed by passing `--noname`. 


142 You can use the verbose flag `-v/--verbose` to display information on the 

143 input file contents, for verification. 


145 The resulting badge will by default look like this: [coverage | 98.1%] where 

146 98.1 is the total coverage, obtained from the branch and line coverages using 

147 the formula 


149 (nb_lines_covered + nb_branches_covered) / (nb_lines / nb_branches) 


151 and multiplying this by 100. 



154 -i, --input-file FILENAME An alternate coverage results XML file to 

155 read. '-' is supported and means <stdin>. 

156 -o, --output-file FILENAME An alternate SVG badge file to write to. '-' 

157 is supported and means <stdout>. Note that in 

158 this case no other message will be printed to 

159 <stdout>. In particular the verbose flag will 

160 have no effect. 

161 -n, --name TEXT An alternate SVG badge text name to display on 

162 the left-hand side of the badge. 

163 --withname / --noname Indicates if a badge should be generated with 

164 or without the left-hand side of the badge. 

165 -w, --webshields / -l, --local Indicates if badges should be generated using 

166 the HTTP API (default) or the local 

167 SVG file template included. 

168 -v, --verbose Use this flag to print details to stdout 

169 during the badge generation process. Note that 

170 this flag has no effect when '-' is used as 

171 output, since the badge is written to 

172 <stdout>. It also has no effect when the 

173 silent flag `-s` is used. 

174 -s, --silent When this flag is active nothing will be 

175 written to stdout. Note that this flag has no 

176 effect when '-' is used as the output file. 

177 --help Show this message and exit. 



180FLAKE8_CMD = CmdReference( 

181 name="flake8", 

182 default_infile="reports/flake8/flake8stats.txt", 

183 default_outfile = "flake8-badge.svg", 

184 example_input_file=(TESTS_FOLDER / "reports" / "flake8" / "flake8stats.txt").as_posix(), 

185 example_output_msg="SUCCESS - Flake8 badge created: %r\n", 

186 example_output_msg_long=""" 

187Flake8 statistics parsed successfully from %r 

188 - Total (20) = Critical (6) + Warning (9) + Info (5) 


190SUCCESS - Flake8 badge created: %r 


192 help_msg="""Usage: genbadge flake8 [OPTIONS] 


194 This command generates a badge for the flake8 results, from a flake8stats.txt 

195 file. Such a file can be generated from python `flake8` using the --statistics 

196 flag. 


198 By default the input file is the relative `./reports/flake8/flake8stats.txt` 

199 and the output file is `./flake8-badge.svg`. You can change these settings 

200 with the `-i/--input_file` and `-o/--output-file` options. 


202 By default the badge will have the name "flake8" as the left-hand side text. 

203 You can change these settings with the `-n/--name` option. The left-hand side 

204 text can be left blank with `-n ""` or have the left-hand side of the badge 

205 completely removed by passing `--noname`. 


207 You can use the verbose flag `-v/--verbose` to display information on the 

208 input file contents, for verification. 


210 The resulting badge will by default look like this: [flake8 | 6 C, 0 W, 5 I] 

211 where 6, 0, 5 denote the number of critical issues, warnings, and information 

212 messages respectively. These severity levels are determined by the flake8-html 

213 plugin so as to match the colors in the HTML report. You can change the 

214 appearance of the badge with the --format option (not implemented, todo). 



217 -i, --input-file FILENAME An alternate flake8 results TXT file to read. 

218 '-' is supported and means <stdin>. 

219 -o, --output-file FILENAME An alternate SVG badge file to write to. '-' 

220 is supported and means <stdout>. Note that in 

221 this case no other message will be printed to 

222 <stdout>. In particular the verbose flag will 

223 have no effect. 

224 -n, --name TEXT An alternate SVG badge text name to display on 

225 the left-hand side of the badge. 

226 --withname / --noname Indicates if a badge should be generated with 

227 or without the left-hand side of the badge. 

228 -w, --webshields / -l, --local Indicates if badges should be generated using 

229 the HTTP API (default) or the local 

230 SVG file template included. 

231 -v, --verbose Use this flag to print details to stdout 

232 during the badge generation process. Note that 

233 this flag has no effect when '-' is used as 

234 output, since the badge is written to 

235 <stdout>. It also has no effect when the 

236 silent flag `-s` is used. 

237 -s, --silent When this flag is active nothing will be 

238 written to stdout. Note that this flag has no 

239 effect when '-' is used as the output file. 

240 --help Show this message and exit. 








248def test_help(): 

249 """Test that `genbadge` provides the right help""" 


251 runner = CliRunner() 

252 result = runner.invoke(genbadge_cmd, [], catch_exceptions=False) 


254 assert result.exit_code == 0 

255 print(result.output) 

256 expected = """ 

257Usage: genbadge [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... 


259 Commandline utility to generate badges. To get help on each command use: 


261 genbadge <cmd> --help 



264 --help Show this message and exit. 



267 coverage Generate a badge for the coverage results (e.g. from a 

268 coverage.xml).%s 

269 flake8 Generate a badge for the flake8 results (e.g. from a flake8stats.txt 

270 file).%s 

271 tests Generate a badge for the test results (e.g. from a junit.xml). 


273 if LooseVersion(click.__version__) < "8.": 273 ↛ 274line 273 didn't jump to line 274, because the condition on line 273 was never true

274 expected = expected % ("\n", "\n") 

275 else: 

276 expected = expected % ("", "") 

277 assert "\n" + result.output == expected 



280@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd", ALL_COMMANDS, ids=str) 

281def test_help_cmd(cmd): 

282 """Test that the command-specific help message is correct""" 


284 result = _invoke_genbadge([, "--help"]) 

285 assert result.exit_code == 0 


287 if LooseVersion(click.__version__) >= "8.": 287 ↛ 291line 287 didn't jump to line 291, because the condition on line 287 was never false

288 assert result.output == cmd.help_msg 

289 else: 

290 # the line wrapping seems to have changed, do not check for this old version. 

291 pass 



294@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd", ALL_COMMANDS, ids=str) 

295def test_file_not_found(monkeypatch, tmpdir, cmd): 

296 """Test that the error message is nice when the input file is not found""" 


298 currentfolder = Path(str(tmpdir)) 

299 monkeypatch.chdir(str(currentfolder)) 


301 # a) default input file: the error is raised by us as a click.exceptions.FileError (exit code 1) 

302 result = _invoke_genbadge([]) 

303 assert result.exit_code == 1 

304 expected = """ 

305Error: Could not open file %r: File not found 


307 # support various versions of click 

308 if LooseVersion(click.__version__) < "8.": 308 ↛ 309line 308 didn't jump to line 309, because the condition on line 308 was never true

309 expected = expected.replace("%r", "%s") 

310 assert "\n" + result.output == expected % cmd.default_infile 


312 # b) different non-existent input file: the error is raised by click from click.File as a BadParameterError (code 2) 

313 unknown_file = "unknown.file" 

314 result = _invoke_genbadge([, "-i", unknown_file]) 

315 assert result.exit_code == 2 

316 expected = """ 

317Usage: genbadge {name} [OPTIONS] 

318Try 'genbadge {name} --help' for help. 


320Error: Invalid value for '-i' / '--input-file': %s: No such file or directory 


322 # support various versions of click 

323 if LooseVersion(click.__version__) < "8.": 323 ↛ 324line 323 didn't jump to line 324, because the condition on line 323 was never true

324 expected = expected % "Could not open file: %s" 

325 else: 

326 expected = expected % "%r" 

327 assert "\n" + result.output == expected % unknown_file 



330@pytest.mark.parametrize("outstream", [False, True], ids="outstream={}".format) 

331@pytest.mark.parametrize("silent", [False, True], ids="silent={}".format) 

332@pytest.mark.parametrize("verbose", [False, True], ids="verbose={}".format) 

333@pytest.mark.parametrize("variant", ["default", "custom", "custom_shortargs", "custom_absolute"]) 

334@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmd", ALL_COMMANDS, ids=str) 

335def test_any_command(monkeypatch, cmd, tmpdir, variant, outstream, silent, verbose): 

336 """Test that `genbadge <cmd>` works consistently concerning the ios and output messages""" 


338 # from pytest path to pathlib path 

339 currentfolder = Path(str(tmpdir)) # tests_folder 


341 # change the working directory to tmpdir 

342 monkeypatch.chdir(str(currentfolder)) 


344 # create the various arguments. Use local template for faster exec 

345 args = [, "-l"] 

346 if verbose: 

347 args.append("--verbose") 

348 if silent: 

349 args.append("--silent") 

350 if variant == "default": 

351 if outstream: 

352 pytest.skip("this test does not make sense") 

353 infile = currentfolder / cmd.default_infile 

354 outfile = currentfolder / cmd.default_outfile 

355 infile_path_for_msg = str(infile.absolute().as_posix()) 

356 elif variant in ("custom", "custom_shortargs", "custom_absolute"): 356 ↛ 367line 356 didn't jump to line 367, because the condition on line 356 was never false

357 shortargs = "shortargs" in variant 

358 absolute = "absolute" in variant 

359 infile_path_for_msg = "foo/foo.xml" 

360 infile = currentfolder / infile_path_for_msg 

361 if absolute: 

362 infile_path_for_msg = infile.absolute().as_posix() 

363 outfile = currentfolder / "bar" / "bar-badge.svg" 

364 args += ["-i" if shortargs else "--input-file", infile_path_for_msg] 

365 args += ["-o" if shortargs else "--output-file", "-" if outstream else "bar/bar-badge.svg"] 

366 else: 

367 raise ValueError(variant) 

368 outfile_path_for_msg = str(outfile.absolute().as_posix()) 


370 # copy the file from source 

371 infile.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) 

372 copy(str(cmd.example_input_file), str(infile)) 


374 # execute "genbadge tests" with the appropriate arguments 

375 print("Executing command in tmp folder %s" % (currentfolder,)) 

376 result = _invoke_genbadge(args) 

377 assert result.exit_code == 0 


379 # verify the output message 

380 if not outstream: 

381 if silent: 

382 assert result.output == "" 

383 elif verbose: 

384 assert "\n" + result.output == cmd.example_output_msg_long % (infile_path_for_msg, outfile_path_for_msg) 

385 else: 

386 assert result.output == cmd.example_output_msg % outfile_path_for_msg 

387 assert outfile.exists() 

388 else: 

389 assert result.output.startswith('<svg xmlns="" ' 

390 'xmlns:xlink="" width=') 



393@pytest.mark.parametrize("threshold", [-1, 0, 40, 40.1, 100, 101]) 

394@pytest.mark.parametrize("shortarg", [False, True]) 

395def test_threshold(threshold, shortarg, tmpdir): 


397 # from pytest path to pathlib path 

398 destfolder = Path(str(tmpdir)) 

399 badge_path = destfolder / "tests-badge.svg" 


401 # define cli args (explicit input so that we do not fall into the python 2 issue with CliRunner IOError 

402 args = ["tests", "-v", "-i", str(TEST_CMD.example_input_file), "-o", "%s" % badge_path] 

403 args += ["-t" if shortarg else "--threshold", str(threshold)] 


405 # execute "genbadge tests" with the appropriate arguments 

406 result = _invoke_genbadge(args) 


408 if 40.0 < threshold: 

409 assert result.exit_code == 1 


411 # verify the output message 

412 assert "\n" + result.output == """ 

413Test statistics parsed successfully from '{}' 

414 - Nb tests: Total (6) = Success (2) + Skipped (1) + Failed (2) + Errors (1) 

415 - Success percentage: 40.00% (2 / 5) (Skipped tests are excluded) 


417Error: Success percentage 40.0% is strictly lower than required threshold {}% 

418""".format(str(TEST_CMD.example_input_file), float(threshold)) 


420 assert not badge_path.exists() 


422 else: 

423 assert result.exit_code == 0 


425 # verify the output message 

426 assert "\n" + result.output == TEST_CMD.example_output_msg_long % (str(TEST_CMD.example_input_file), str(badge_path.as_posix())) 


428 assert badge_path.exists() 




432 [(None, None), (False, False), (False, True), (True, False), (True, True)]) 

433def test_local_remote(use_shields, shortarg, tmpdir): 


435 if use_shields is False and sys.version_info < (3,) and platform.system != "Windows": 435 ↛ 436line 435 didn't jump to line 436, because the condition on line 435 was never true

436 pytest.skip("On Linux the embedded ttf font file is needed, and because of the path change pkg_resources does" 

437 "not manage to find the file on python 2") 


439 # from pytest path to pathlib path 

440 destfolder = Path(str(tmpdir)) 

441 badge_path = destfolder / "tests-badge.svg" 


443 # define cli args (explicit input so that we do not fall into the python 2 issue with CliRunner IOError 

444 args = ["tests", "-v", "-i", str(TEST_CMD.example_input_file), "-o", "%s" % badge_path] 

445 if use_shields is False: 

446 args.append("-l" if shortarg else "--local") 

447 if use_shields is True: 

448 args.append("-w" if shortarg else "--webshields") 


450 # execute "genbadge tests" with the appropriate arguments 

451 result = _invoke_genbadge(args) 

452 assert result.exit_code == 0 


454 # verify the output message 

455 assert "\n" + result.output == TEST_CMD.example_output_msg_long % (str(TEST_CMD.example_input_file), str(badge_path.as_posix())) 


457 assert badge_path.exists() 



460def _invoke_genbadge(args): 

461 runner = CliRunner() 

462 print("\n> genbadge %s" % (" ".join(args),)) 

463 result = runner.invoke(genbadge_cmd, args, catch_exceptions=False) 

464 print(result.output) 

465 return result