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1.7.2 - bugfix

  • Fixed TypeError: Neither typeguard not pytypes is installed even with typeguard installed. Fixed [#91] (

1.7.1 - Compatibility fix for typeguard 3.0.0

  • Fixed TypeError: check_type() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given triggering erroneous FieldTypeError when typeguard>=3.0.0 is used. Fixed #87

1.7.0 - Better support for non-deep-copiable default values in @autofields

  • @autofields and @autoclass now raise an error when a field definition can not be valid, because the default value can not be deep-copied. This will help users detect issues such as #84 earlier. Implementation is done through a new autocheck option in the copy_value factory.

  • @autofields and @autoclass now provide an exclude (resp. af_exclude) list, to list names for fields that should not be created. By default this contains a reserved name from abc.ABCMeta, for convenience. Fixes #84.

1.6.2 - CI/CD migration

  • This is a technical release with no code change, to validate the new Github Actions workflow.

1.6.1 - Bugfix

  • Fixed an issue with autofields (and therefore autoclass too) where a field would be mistakenly recreated on a subclass when that subclass does not define type hints while the parent class defines type hints. Fixes #81

1.6.0 - we now have our own version of @autoclass

  • Copied the relevant contents from autoclass so as to get rid of the dependency. Since we are in a pyfields context there were many things that could be dropped and remaining code could be easily copied over. Also took this opportunity to replace the dict view with a to_dict/from_dict pair of methods, this seems less intrusive in the class design. Finally the parameter names have been simplified, see API reference for details. Fixes #79

1.5.0 - updated @autoclass signature

  • Improved @autoclass so that it is much easier to access the relevant arguments from underlying @autofields and @autoclass. Fixed #78

1.4.0 - new @autoclass decorator

  • New @autoclass decorator directly available from pyfields. It is merely equivalent to the original @autoclass with option autofields=True, which makes it easier to use on classes with automatic fields. Fixes #75

1.3.2 - bugfix

  • Fields order are preserved by @autofields even in the case of an explicit field() with all others implicit. Fixed #77

1.3.1 - bugfix

  • Fields order are preserved by @autofields even in the case of a field with just a type annotation. Fixed #76

1.3.0 - Support for Forward references, PEP563 and class-level access

  • String forward references in type hints, and PEP563 behaviour, is now supported. When this case happense, the type hint resolution is delayed until the field is first accessed. Fixes #73

  • Accessing a field definition from a class directly is now enabled, since PyCharm fixed their autocompletion bug. Fixes #12

1.2.0 - getfields improvements and new get_field_values

  • getfields can now be executed on an instance, and provides a public_only option. Fixes #69

  • New get_field_values method to get an ordered dict-like of field name: value. Fixes #70

1.1.5 - bugfix

  • @autofields now correctly skips @property and more generally, descriptor members. Fixes #67

1.1.4 - better python 2 packaging

  • packaging improvements: set the "universal wheel" flag to 1, and cleaned up the In particular removed dependency to six. Fixes #66

1.1.3 - smaller wheel

  • tests folder is now excluded from generated package wheel. Fixed #65

1.1.2 - type hint fix (minor)

  • Now converters={'*': ...} does not appear as a type hint error. Fixed #64

1.1.1 - PEP561 compatibility

  • Misc: Package is now PEP561 compatible. Fixed #61

1.1.0 - @autofields and default values improvements

  • New @autofields decorator. This decorator can be used to drastically reduce boilerplate code, similar to pydantic and attrs. This is compliant with python 2.7 and 3.5+ but is more useful when the type hints can be provided in class member annotations, so from 3.6+. Fixed #55

  • Default values are now validated/converted as normal values. If the default value is provided in default=<value> or as a default_factory=copy_value(<value>), this is done only once per field, to accelerate future access. If the value was converted on the way, the converted value is used to replace the default value, or the default value copied by the factory. Fixed #57

  • Misc: removed makefun usage in : was overkill. Also fixed a few type hints.

1.0.3 - bugfix

  • Fixed bug with super().__init__ not behaving as expected. Fixed #53

1.0.2 - bugfixes

  • User-provided nonable status was wrongly overriden automatically when the field was attached to the class. Fixed #51
  • Fixed an issue with type validation when typeguard is used and a tuple of types is provided instead of a Union. Fixed #52

1.0.1 - pyproject.toml

Added pyproject.toml

1.0.0 - Stable version

Overall behaviour stabilized and compliance with @autoclass to cover most use cases.

The only bug that has not yet been fixed is #12

0.14.0 - helpers, bugfix, and ancestor-first option in init makers


  • new helper methods get_field, yield_fields, has_fields and get_fields (new name of collect_all_fields) so that other libraries such as autoclass can easily access the various information. fix_fields removed. Fixed #48

  • New ancestor_fields_first option in all the __init__ makers (make_init and @init_fields). Fixed #50


  • Bugfixes in all the __init__ makers (make_init and @init_fields):

    • bugfix in case of inheritance with override: #49

    • the argument order used for fields initialization (inside the generated init method body) was sometimes incorrect. This would trigger a bug when one field was requiring another one to initialize.

    • when the list of fields received by InitDescriptor was an empty tuple and not None, the constructor was not created properly

0.13.0 - nonable fields

  • Fields can now be nonable, so as to bypass type and value validation when None is received. Fixed #44

0.12.0 - Minor improvements

  • Now all type validation errors are FieldTypeError. Fixed #40.
  • Fixed bug with python < 3.6 where fields were not automatically attached to their class when used from within a subclass first. Fixed #41

0.11.0 - Better initialization orders in generated __init__

Fixed fields initialization order in generated constructor methods:

  • the order is now the same than the order of appearance in the class (and not reversed as it was). Fixed #36.
  • the above is true, even in python < 3.6. Fixed #38
  • the order now takes into account first the ancestors and then the subclasses, for the most intuitive behaviour. Fixed #37.

0.10.0 - Read-only fields + minor improvements

Read-only fields

  • Read-only fields are now supported through field(read_only=True). Fixes #33.


  • All core exceptions now derive from a common FieldError, for easier exception handling.
  • Now raising an explicit ValueError when a descriptor field is used with an old-style class in python 2. Fixes #34

0.9.1 - Minor improvements

  • Minor performance improvement: Converter.create_from_fun() does not generate a new type everytime a converter needs to be created from a callable - now a single class ConverterWithFuncs is used. Fixed #32.

0.9.0 - Converters


  • Fields can now be equipped with converters by using field(converters=...). Fixes #5
  • New method trace_convert to debug conversion issues. It is available both as an independent function and as a method on Field. Fixes #31
  • New decorator @<field>.converter to add a converter to a field. Fixed #28.


  • The base Field class is now exposed at package level.

0.8.0 - PEP484 support

PEP484 type hints support

  • Now type hints relying on the typing module (PEP484) are correctly checked using whatever 3d party type checking library is available (typeguard is first looked for, then pytypes as a fallback). If none of these providers are available, a fallback implementation is provided, basically flattening Unions and replacing TypeVars before doing is_instance. It is not guaranteed to support all typing subtelties. Fixes #7

0.7.0 - more ways to define validators


  • New decorator @<field>.validator to add a validator to a field. Fixed #9.
  • Native fields are automatically transformed into descriptor fields when validators are added this way. Fixes #1.

0.6.0 - default factories and slots

default value factories

  • default_factory callables now receive one argument: the object instance. Fixes #6
  • New decorator @<field>.default_factory to define a default value factory. Fixed #27
  • New copy_value, copy_field and copy_attr helper functions to create default value factories. Fixed #26

support for slots

  • field now automatically detects when a native field is attached to a class with slots and no __dict__ is present. In that case, the native field is replaced with a descriptor field. Fixed #20.

0.5.0 - First public version


  • field() method to easily define class fields without necessarily defining a __init__.

  • "native" fields are created by default, or if native=True is set. A NativeField is a non-data descriptor that replaces itself automatically with a native python attribute after the first read, to get the same performance level on later access.

  • "descriptor" fields are created when type or value validation is required, or if native=False is set. A DescriptorField uses the standard python descriptor protocol so that type and value can be validated on all future access without messing with the __setattr__ method.

  • support for type_hint declaration to declare the type of a field. If validate_type provided, the descriptor will not be replaced with a native field, and the type will be checked on every value modification. A TypeError will be raised if type does not comply. Type hints are correctly defined so that IDEs can pick them. Fixes #10

  • support for validators relying on valid8. Validators can receive (val), (obj, val) or (obj, field, val) to support validation based on several fields. The only requirement is to return True or None in case of success. Fixes #3


  • make_init method to create an entire __init__ method with control of which fields are injected, and with possibility to blend a post-init callback in. Fixes #14.

  • @init_fields decorator to auto-init fields before your __init__ method.

  • @inject_fields decorator to easily inject fields in an init method and perform the assignment precisely when users want (for easy debugging). Fixes #13


  • __weakref__ added in all relevant classes. Fixes #21

  • Now using stubs #17

  • Fixed bug #11.

  • Fixed ValueError with mini-lambda < 2.2. Fixed #22

  • Because of a limitation in PyCharm type hints we had to remove support for class-level field access. This created #12 which will be fixed as soon as PyCharm issue is fixed.

0.1.0 - unpublished first draft

Extracted from mixture.