Coverage for pyfields/ 81%

224 statements  

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1# Authors: Sylvain MARIE <> 

2# + All contributors to <> 


4# License: 3-clause BSD, <> 

5import sys 

6from collections import OrderedDict 


8from valid8 import Validator, failure_raiser, ValidationError, ValidationFailure 

9from valid8.base import getfullargspec as v8_getfullargspec, get_callable_name, is_mini_lambda 

10from valid8.common_syntax import FunctionDefinitionError, make_validation_func_callables 

11from valid8.composition import _and_ 

12from valid8.entry_points import _add_none_handler 

13from valid8.utils.signature_tools import IsBuiltInError 

14from valid8.validation_lib import instance_of 


16try: # python 3.5+ 

17 # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences 

18 from typing import Callable, Type, Any, TypeVar, Union, Iterable, Tuple, Mapping, Optional, Dict, Literal 

19 # from valid8.common_syntax import ValidationFuncs 

20 use_type_hints = sys.version_info > (3, 0) 

21except ImportError: 

22 use_type_hints = False 



25if use_type_hints: 25 ↛ 26line 25 didn't jump to line 26, because the condition on line 25 was never true

26 T = TypeVar('T') 


28 # ------------- validator type hints ----------- 

29 # 1. the lowest-level user or 3d party-provided validation functions 

30 ValidationFunc = Union[Callable[[Any], Any], 

31 Callable[[Any, Any], Any], 

32 Callable[[Any, Any, Any], Any]] 

33 """A validation function is a callable with signature (val), (obj, val) or (obj, field, val), returning `True` 

34 or `None` in case of success""" 


36 try: 

37 # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences 

38 from mini_lambda import y 

39 ValidationFuncOrLambda = Union[ValidationFunc, type(y)] 

40 except ImportError: 

41 ValidationFuncOrLambda = ValidationFunc 


43 # 2. the syntax to optionally transform them into failure raisers by providing a tuple 

44 ValidatorDef = Union[ValidationFuncOrLambda, 

45 Tuple[ValidationFuncOrLambda, str], 

46 Tuple[ValidationFuncOrLambda, Type[ValidationFailure]], 

47 Tuple[ValidationFuncOrLambda, str, Type[ValidationFailure]] 

48 ] 

49 """A validator is a validation function together with optional error message and error type""" 


51 # 3. the syntax to describe several validation functions at once 

52 VFDefinitionElement = Union[str, Type[ValidationFailure], ValidationFuncOrLambda] 

53 """This type represents one of the elements that can define a checker: help msg, failure type, callable""" 


55 OneOrSeveralVFDefinitions = Union[ValidatorDef, 

56 Iterable[ValidatorDef], 

57 Mapping[VFDefinitionElement, Union[VFDefinitionElement, 

58 Tuple[VFDefinitionElement, ...]]]] 

59 """Several validators can be provided as a singleton, iterable, or dict-like. In that case the value can be a 

60 single variable or a tuple, and it will be combined with the key to form the validator. So you can use any of 

61 the elements defining a validators as the key.""" 


63 # shortcut name used everywhere. Less explicit 

64 Validators = OneOrSeveralVFDefinitions 



67class FieldValidator(Validator): 

68 """ 

69 Represents a `Validator` responsible to validate a `field` 

70 """ 

71 __slots__ = '__weakref__', 'validated_field', 'base_validation_funcs' 


73 def __init__(self, 

74 validated_field, # type: 'DescriptorField' 

75 validators, # type: Validators 

76 **kwargs 

77 ): 

78 """ 


80 :param validated_field: the field being validated. 

81 :param validators: the base validation function or list of base validation functions to use. A callable, a 

82 tuple(callable, help_msg_str), a tuple(callable, failure_type), tuple(callable, help_msg_str, failure_type) 

83 or a list of several such elements. A dict can also be used. 

84 Tuples indicate an implicit `failure_raiser`. 

85 [mini_lambda]( expressions can be used instead 

86 of callables, they will be transformed to functions automatically. 

87 :param error_type: a subclass of ValidationError to raise in case of validation failure. By default a 

88 ValidationError will be raised with the provided help_msg 

89 :param help_msg: an optional help message to be used in the raised error in case of validation failure. 

90 :param none_policy: describes how None values should be handled. See `NonePolicy` for the various possibilities. 

91 Default is `NonePolicy.VALIDATE`, meaning that None values will be treated exactly like other values and 

92 follow the same validation process. 

93 :param kw_context_args: optional contextual information to store in the exception, and that may be also used 

94 to format the help message 

95 """ 

96 # store this additional info about the function been validated 

97 self.validated_field = validated_field 


99 try: # dict ? 

100 validators.keys() 

101 except (AttributeError, FunctionDefinitionError): # FunctionDefinitionError when mini_lambda 

102 if isinstance(validators, tuple): 102 ↛ 104line 102 didn't jump to line 104, because the condition on line 102 was never true

103 # single tuple 

104 validators = (validators,) 

105 else: 

106 try: # iterable 

107 iter(validators) 

108 except (TypeError, FunctionDefinitionError): # FunctionDefinitionError when mini_lambda 

109 # single 

110 validators = (validators,) 

111 else: 

112 # dict 

113 validators = (validators,) 


115 # remember validation funcs so that we can add more later 

116 self.base_validation_funcs = validators 


118 super(FieldValidator, self).__init__(*validators, **kwargs) 


120 def add_validator(self, 

121 validation_func # type: ValidatorDef 

122 ): 

123 """ 

124 Adds the provided validation function to the existing list of validation functions 

125 :param validation_func: 

126 :return: 

127 """ 

128 self.base_validation_funcs = self.base_validation_funcs + (validation_func, ) 


130 # do the same than in super.init, once again. TODO optimize ... 

131 validation_funcs = make_validation_func_callables(*self.base_validation_funcs, 

132 callable_creator=self.get_callables_creator()) 

133 main_val_func = _and_(validation_funcs) 

134 self.main_function = _add_none_handler(main_val_func, none_policy=self.none_policy) 


136 def get_callables_creator(self): 

137 def make_validator_callable(validation_callable, # type: ValidationFunc 

138 help_msg=None, # type: str 

139 failure_type=None, # type: Type[ValidationFailure] 

140 **kw_context_args): 

141 """ 


143 :param validation_callable: 

144 :param help_msg: custom help message for failures to raise 

145 :param failure_type: type of failures to raise 

146 :param kw_context_args: contextual arguments for failures to raise 

147 :return: 

148 """ 

149 if is_mini_lambda(validation_callable): 

150 validation_callable = validation_callable.as_function() 


152 # support several cases for the validation function signature 

153 # `f(val)`, `f(obj, val)` or `f(obj, field, val)` 

154 # the validation function has two or three (or more but optional) arguments. 

155 # valid8 requires only 1. 

156 try: 

157 args, varargs, varkwargs, defaults = v8_getfullargspec(validation_callable, skip_bound_arg=True)[0:4] 


159 nb_args = len(args) if args is not None else 0 

160 nbvarargs = 1 if varargs is not None else 0 

161 # nbkwargs = 1 if varkwargs is not None else 0 

162 # nbdefaults = len(defaults) if defaults is not None else 0 

163 except IsBuiltInError: 

164 # built-ins: TypeError: <built-in function isinstance> is not a Python function 

165 # assume signature with a single positional argument 

166 nb_args = 1 

167 nbvarargs = 0 

168 # nbkwargs = 0 

169 # nbdefaults = 0 


171 if nb_args == 0 and nbvarargs == 0: 171 ↛ 172line 171 didn't jump to line 172, because the condition on line 171 was never true

172 raise ValueError( 

173 "validation function should accept 1, 2, or 3 arguments at least. `f(val)`, `f(obj, val)` or " 

174 "`f(obj, field, val)`") 

175 elif nb_args == 1 or (nb_args == 0 and nbvarargs >= 1): # varargs default to one argument (compliance with old mini lambda) # noqa 

176 # `f(val)` 

177 def new_validation_callable(val, **ctx): 

178 return validation_callable(val) 

179 elif nb_args == 2: 

180 # `f(obj, val)` 

181 def new_validation_callable(val, **ctx): 

182 return validation_callable(ctx['obj'], val) 

183 else: 

184 # `f(obj, field, val, *opt_args, **ctx)` 

185 def new_validation_callable(val, **ctx): 

186 # note: field is available both from **ctx and self. Use the "fastest" way 

187 return validation_callable(ctx['obj'], self.validated_field, val) 


189 # preserve the name 

190 new_validation_callable.__name__ = get_callable_name(validation_callable) 


192 return failure_raiser(new_validation_callable, help_msg=help_msg, failure_type=failure_type, 

193 **kw_context_args) 


195 return make_validator_callable 


197 def get_additional_info_for_repr(self): 

198 # type: (...) -> str 

199 return 'validated_field=%s' % self.validated_field.qualname 


201 def _get_name_for_errors(self, 

202 name # type: str 

203 ): 

204 # type: (...) -> str 

205 """ override this so that qualname is only called if an error is raised, not before """ 

206 return self.validated_field.qualname 


208 def assert_valid(self, 

209 obj, # type: Any 

210 value, # type: Any 

211 error_type=None, # type: Type[ValidationError] 

212 help_msg=None, # type: str 

213 **ctx): 

214 # do not use qualname here so as to save time. 

215 super(FieldValidator, self).assert_valid(, value, 

216 error_type=error_type, help_msg=help_msg, 

217 # context info contains obj and field 

218 obj=obj, field=self.validated_field, **ctx) 



221# --------------- converters 

222supported_syntax = 'a Converter, a conversion callable, a tuple(validation_callable, conversion_callable), ' \ 

223 'a tuple(valid_type, conversion_callable), or a list of several such elements. ' \ 

224 'A special string \'*\' can be used to denote that all values are accepted.' \ 

225 'Dicts are supported too, in which case the key is the validation callable or the valid type.' \ 

226 '[mini_lambda]( expressions can be used instead of ' \ 

227 'callables, they will be transformed to functions automatically.' 



230class Converter(object): 

231 """ 

232 A converter to be used in `field`s. 

233 """ 

234 __slots__ = ('name', ) 


236 def __init__(self, name=None): 

237 = name 


239 def __str__(self): 

240 if is not None: 

241 return 

242 else: 

243 return self.__class__.__name__ 


245 def accepts(self, obj, field, value): 

246 # type: (...) -> Optional[bool] 

247 """ 

248 Should return `True` or `None` in case the provided value can be converted. 


250 :param obj: 

251 :param field: 

252 :param value: 

253 :return: 

254 """ 

255 pass 


257 def convert(self, obj, field, value): 

258 # type: (...) -> Any 

259 """ 

260 Converts the provided `value`. This method is only called when `accepts()` has returned `True`. 

261 Implementors can dynamically declare that they are not able to convert the given value, by raising an Exception. 


263 Returning `None` means that the `value` converts to `None`. 


265 :param obj: 

266 :param field: 

267 :param value: 

268 :return: 

269 """ 

270 raise NotImplementedError() 


272 @classmethod 

273 def create_from_fun(cls, 

274 converter_fun, # type: ConverterFuncOrLambda 

275 validation_fun=None # type: ValidationFuncOrLambda 

276 ): 

277 # type: (...) -> Converter 

278 """ 

279 Creates an instance of `Converter` where the `accepts` method is bound to the provided `validation_fun` and the 

280 `convert` method bound to the provided `converter_fun`. 


282 If these methods have less than 3 parameters, the mapping is done acccordingly. 


284 :param converter_fun: 

285 :param validation_fun: 

286 :return: 

287 """ 

288 # Mandatory conversion callable 

289 if is_mini_lambda(converter_fun): 289 ↛ 290line 289 didn't jump to line 290, because the condition on line 289 was never true

290 is_mini = True 

291 converter_fun = converter_fun.as_function() 

292 else: 

293 is_mini = False 

294 converter_fun_3params = make_3params_callable(converter_fun, is_mini_lambda=is_mini) 


296 # Optional acceptance callable 

297 if validation_fun is not None: 

298 if is_mini_lambda(validation_fun): 298 ↛ 299line 298 didn't jump to line 299, because the condition on line 298 was never true

299 is_mini = True 

300 validation_fun = validation_fun.as_function() 

301 else: 

302 is_mini = False 

303 validation_fun_3params = make_3params_callable(validation_fun, is_mini_lambda=is_mini) 

304 else: 

305 validation_fun_3params = None 


307 # Finally create the converter instance 

308 return ConverterWithFuncs(name=converter_fun_3params.__name__, 

309 accepts_fun=validation_fun_3params, 

310 convert_fun=converter_fun_3params) 



313# noinspection PyAbstractClass 

314class ConverterWithFuncs(Converter): 

315 """ 

316 Represents a converter for which the `accepts` and `convert` methods can be provided in the constructor. 

317 """ 

318 __slots__ = ('accepts', 'convert') 


320 def __init__(self, convert_fun, name=None, accepts_fun=None): 

321 # call super to set the name 

322 super(ConverterWithFuncs, self).__init__(name=name) 


324 # use the convert method 

325 self.convert = convert_fun 


327 # use the accepts method if provided, otherwise use parent's 

328 if accepts_fun is not None: 

329 self.accepts = accepts_fun 

330 else: 

331 # use parent method - bind it on this instance 

332 self.accepts = Converter.accepts.__get__(self, ConverterWithFuncs) 



335if use_type_hints: 335 ↛ 338line 335 didn't jump to line 338, because the condition on line 335 was never true

336 # --------------converter type hints 

337 # 1. the lowest-level user or 3d party-provided validation functions 

338 ConverterFunc = Union[Callable[[Any], Any], 

339 Callable[[Any, Any], Any], 

340 Callable[[Any, Any, Any], Any]] 

341 """A converter function is a callable with signature (val), (obj, val) or (obj, field, val), returning the 

342 converted value in case of success""" 


344 try: 

345 # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences 

346 from mini_lambda import y 


348 ConverterFuncOrLambda = Union[ConverterFunc, type(y)] 

349 except ImportError: 

350 ConverterFuncOrLambda = ConverterFunc 


352 # 2. the syntax to optionally transform them into Converter by providing a tuple 

353 ValidType = Type 

354 # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable 

355 ConverterFuncDefinition = Union[Converter, 

356 ConverterFuncOrLambda, 

357 Tuple[ValidationFuncOrLambda, ConverterFuncOrLambda], 

358 Tuple[ValidType, ConverterFuncOrLambda]] 


360 TypeDef = Union[Type, Tuple[Type, ...], Literal['*'], str] # todo remove str whe pycharm understands Literal 

361 OneOrSeveralConverterDefinitions = Union[Converter, 

362 ConverterFuncOrLambda, 

363 Iterable[Tuple[TypeDef, ConverterFuncOrLambda]], 

364 Mapping[TypeDef, ConverterFuncOrLambda]] 

365 Converters = OneOrSeveralConverterDefinitions 



368def make_3params_callable(f, # type: Union[ValidationFunc, ConverterFunc] 

369 is_mini_lambda=False # type: bool 

370 ): 

371 # type: (...) -> Callable[[Any, 'Field', Any], Any] 

372 """ 

373 Transforms the provided validation or conversion callable into a callable with 3 arguments (obj, field, val). 


375 :param f: 

376 :param is_mini_lambda: a boolean indicating if the function comes from a mini lambda. In which case we know the 

377 signature has one param only (x) 

378 :return: 

379 """ 

380 # support several cases for the function signature 

381 # `f(val)`, `f(obj, val)` or `f(obj, field, val)` 

382 if is_mini_lambda: 382 ↛ 383line 382 didn't jump to line 383, because the condition on line 382 was never true

383 nbargs = 1 

384 nbvarargs = 0 

385 # nbkwargs = 0 

386 # nbdefaults = 0 

387 else: 

388 try: 

389 args, varargs, varkwargs, defaults = v8_getfullargspec(f, skip_bound_arg=True)[0:4] 

390 nbargs = len(args) if args is not None else 0 

391 nbvarargs = 1 if varargs is not None else 0 

392 # nbkwargs = 1 if varkwargs is not None else 0 

393 # nbdefaults = len(defaults) if defaults is not None else 0 

394 except IsBuiltInError: 

395 # built-ins: TypeError: <built-in function isinstance> is not a Python function 

396 # assume signature with a single positional argument 

397 nbargs = 1 

398 nbvarargs = 0 

399 # nbkwargs = 0 

400 # nbdefaults = 0 


402 if nbargs == 0 and nbvarargs == 0: 402 ↛ 403line 402 didn't jump to line 403, because the condition on line 402 was never true

403 raise ValueError( 

404 "validation or converter function should accept 1, 2, or 3 arguments at least. `f(val)`, `f(obj, val)` or " 

405 "`f(obj, field, val)`") 

406 elif nbargs == 1 or ( 

407 nbargs == 0 and nbvarargs >= 1): # varargs default to one argument (compliance with old mini lambda) 

408 # `f(val)` 

409 def new_f_with_3_args(obj, field, value): 

410 return f(value) 


412 elif nbargs == 2: 

413 # `f(obj, val)` 

414 def new_f_with_3_args(obj, field, value): 

415 return f(obj, value) 


417 else: 

418 # `f(obj, field, val, *opt_args, **ctx)` 

419 new_f_with_3_args = f 


421 # preserve the name 

422 new_f_with_3_args.__name__ = get_callable_name(f) 


424 return new_f_with_3_args 



427JOKER_STR = '*' 

428"""String used in converter definition dict entries or tuples, to indicate that the converter accepts everything""" 



431def make_converter(converter_def # type: ConverterFuncDefinition 

432 ): 

433 # type: (...) -> Converter 

434 """ 

435 Makes a `Converter` from the provided converter object. Supported formats: 


437 - a `Converter` 

438 - a `<conversion_callable>` with possible signatures `(value)`, `(obj, value)`, `(obj, field, value)`. 

439 - a tuple `(<validation_callable>, <conversion_callable>)` 

440 - a tuple `(<valid_type>, <conversion_callable>)` 


442 If no name is provided and a `<conversion_callable>` is present, the callable name will be used as the converter 

443 name. 


445 The name of the conversion callable will be used in that case 


447 :param converter_def: 

448 :return: 

449 """ 

450 try: 

451 nb_elts = len(converter_def) 

452 except (TypeError, FunctionDefinitionError): 

453 # -- single element 

454 # handle the special case of a LambdaExpression: automatically convert to a function 

455 if not is_mini_lambda(converter_def): 455 ↛ 463line 455 didn't jump to line 463, because the condition on line 455 was never false

456 if isinstance(converter_def, Converter): 

457 # already a converter 

458 return converter_def 

459 elif not callable(converter_def): 459 ↛ 460line 459 didn't jump to line 460, because the condition on line 459 was never true

460 raise ValueError('base converter function(s) not compliant with the allowed syntax. Base validation' 

461 ' function(s) can be %s Found %s.' % (supported_syntax, converter_def)) 

462 # single element. 

463 return Converter.create_from_fun(converter_def) 

464 else: 

465 # -- a tuple 

466 if nb_elts == 1: 466 ↛ 467line 466 didn't jump to line 467, because the condition on line 466 was never true

467 converter_fun, validation_fun = converter_def[0], None 

468 elif nb_elts == 2: 468 ↛ 482line 468 didn't jump to line 482, because the condition on line 468 was never false

469 validation_fun, converter_fun = converter_def 

470 if validation_fun is not None: 

471 if isinstance(validation_fun, type): 

472 # a type can be provided to denote accept "instances of <type>" 

473 validation_fun = instance_of(validation_fun) 

474 elif validation_fun == JOKER_STR: 

475 validation_fun = None 

476 else: 

477 if not is_mini_lambda(validation_fun) and not callable(validation_fun): 477 ↛ 478line 477 didn't jump to line 478, because the condition on line 477 was never true

478 raise ValueError('base converter function(s) not compliant with the allowed syntax. Validator ' 

479 'is incorrect. Base converter function(s) can be %s Found %s.' 

480 % (supported_syntax, converter_def)) 

481 else: 

482 raise ValueError( 

483 'tuple in converter_fun definition should have length 1, or 2. Found: %s' % (converter_def,)) 


485 # check that the definition is valid 

486 if not is_mini_lambda(converter_fun) and not callable(converter_fun): 486 ↛ 487line 486 didn't jump to line 487, because the condition on line 486 was never true

487 raise ValueError('base converter function(s) not compliant with the allowed syntax. Base converter' 

488 ' function(s) can be %s Found %s.' % (supported_syntax, converter_def)) 


490 # finally create the failure raising callable 

491 return Converter.create_from_fun(converter_fun, validation_fun) 



494def make_converters_list(converters # type: OneOrSeveralConverterDefinitions 

495 ): 

496 # type: (...) -> Tuple[Converter, ...] 

497 """ 

498 Creates a tuple of converters from the provided `converters`. The following things are supported: 


500 - a single item. This can be a `Converter`, a `<converter_callable>`, a tuple 

501 `(<acceptance_callable>, <converter_callable>)` or a tuple `(<accepted_type>, <converter_callable>)`. 

502 `<accepted_type>` can also contain `None` or `'*'`, both mean "anything". 


504 - a list of such items 


506 - a dictionary-like of `<acceptance>: <converter_callable>`, where `<acceptance>` can be an `<acceptance_callable>` 

507 or an `<accepted_type>`. 


509 :param converters: 

510 :return: 

511 """ 

512 # support a single tuple 

513 if isinstance(converters, tuple): 

514 converters = [converters] 


516 try: 

517 # mapping ? 

518 c_items = iter(converters.items()) 

519 except (AttributeError, FunctionDefinitionError): 

520 try: 

521 # iterable ? 

522 c_iter = iter(converters) 

523 except (TypeError, FunctionDefinitionError): 

524 # single converter: create a tuple manually 

525 all_converters = (make_converter(converters),) 

526 else: 

527 # iterable 

528 all_converters = tuple(make_converter(c) for c in c_iter) 

529 else: 

530 # mapping: assume that each entry is {validation_fun: converter_fun} 

531 all_converters = tuple(make_converter((k, v)) for k, v in c_items) 


533 if len(all_converters) == 0: 533 ↛ 534line 533 didn't jump to line 534, because the condition on line 533 was never true

534 raise ValueError("No converters provided") 

535 else: 

536 return all_converters 



539def trace_convert(field, # type: 'Field' 

540 value, # type: Any 

541 obj=None # type: Any 

542 ): 

543 # type: (...) -> Tuple[Any, DetailedConversionResults] 

544 """ 

545 Utility method to debug conversion issues. 

546 Instead of just returning the converted value, it also returns conversion details. 


548 In case conversion can not be made, a `ConversionError` is raised. 


550 Inspired by the `getversion` library. 


552 :param obj: 

553 :param field: 

554 :param value: 

555 :return: 

556 """ 

557 errors = OrderedDict() 


559 for conv in field.converters: 

560 try: 

561 # check if converter accepts this ? 

562 accepted = conv.accepts(obj, field, value) 

563 except Exception as e: 

564 # error in acceptance test 

565 errors[conv] = "Acceptance test: ERROR [%s] %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e) 

566 else: 

567 if accepted is not None and not accepted: 

568 # acceptance failed 

569 errors[conv] = "Acceptance test: REJECTED (returned %s)" % accepted 

570 else: 

571 # accepted! (None or True truth value) 

572 try: 

573 # apply converter 

574 converted_value = conv.convert(obj, field, value) 

575 except Exception as e: 

576 errors[conv] = "Acceptance test: SUCCESS (returned %s). Conversion: ERROR [%s] %s" \ 

577 % (accepted, e.__class__.__name__, e) 

578 else: 

579 # conversion success ! 

580 errors[conv] = "Acceptance test: SUCCESS (returned %s). Conversion: SUCCESS -> %s" \ 

581 % (accepted, converted_value) 

582 return converted_value, DetailedConversionResults(value, field, obj, errors, conv, converted_value) 


584 raise ConversionError(value_to_convert=value, field=field, obj=obj, err_dct=errors) 



587class ConversionError(Exception): 

588 """ 

589 Final exception Raised by `trace_convert` when a value cannot be converted successfully 

590 """ 

591 __slots__ = 'value_to_convert', 'field', 'obj', 'err_dct' 


593 def __init__(self, value_to_convert, field, obj, err_dct): 

594 self.value_to_convert = value_to_convert 

595 self.field = field 

596 self.obj = obj 

597 self.err_dct = err_dct 

598 super(ConversionError, self).__init__() 


600 def __str__(self): 

601 return "Unable to convert value %r. Results:\n%s" \ 

602 % (self.value_to_convert, err_dct_to_str(self.err_dct)) 



605def err_dct_to_str(err_dct # type: Dict[Converter, str] 

606 ): 

607 # type: (...) -> str 

608 msg = "" 

609 for converter, err in err_dct.items(): 

610 msg += " - Converter '%s': %s\n" % (converter, err) 


612 return msg 



615class DetailedConversionResults(object): 

616 """ 

617 Returned by `trace_convert` for detailed results about which converter failed before the winning one. 

618 """ 

619 __slots__ = 'value_to_convert', 'field', 'obj', 'err_dct', 'winning_converter', 'converted_value' 


621 def __init__(self, value_to_convert, field, obj, err_dct, winning_converter, converted_value): 

622 self.value_to_convert = value_to_convert 

623 self.field = field 

624 self.obj = obj 

625 self.err_dct = err_dct 

626 self.winning_converter = winning_converter 

627 self.converted_value = converted_value 


629 def __str__(self): 

630 return "Value %r successfully converted to %r using converter '%s', after the following attempts:\n%s"\ 

631 % (self.value_to_convert, self.converted_value, self.winning_converter, err_dct_to_str(self.err_dct))