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5.1.2 - Bugfix with custom error formatting

Fixed issue: custom help messages in ValidationError using several variables were not rendering to string correctly and instead were displaying Error while formatting the help message. Fixes #58

5.1.1 - packaging improvements

  • packaging improvements: set the "universal wheel" flag to 1, and cleaned up the In particular removed dependency to six for setup. Fixes #57

5.1.0 - PEP561 compliance

  • Package was made PEP561 compatible. Fixed #55

  • Improved type hints for decorators so that they do not make the decorated item loose its type hints. Fixed #56

  • Removed usage of @with_signature in favour of stub file in the Fixed #50

5.0.6 - Minor improvements

Improved getfullargspec so as to cover more builtins in python 3.

5.0.5 - bugfix - support for numpy True

Numpy True can be used (again) as a success condition in validation functions. Fixed #53

5.0.4 - pyproject.toml

Added pyproject.toml.

5.0.3 - bug fixes

Fixed bug with mini-lambda < 2.2. Fixed #48.

Fixed bug in is_in when the reference object was a non-set container. Fixed #47.

5.0.2 - Bug fix

Fixed regression with non-able detection. Fixed #46.

5.0.0 - More betterness!

Better syntax for *validation_func:

  • you can provide a tuple (<callable>, <help_msg>, <failure_type>) to define a single failure raiser (before only (<callable>, <help_msg>) or (<callable>, <failure_type>) were supported). Fixes #33

  • you can provide a dict-like to define several validation functions, where the key and values can contain <callable>, <help_msg>, <failure_type>. For example {<help_msg>: (<callable>, <failure_type>)} is supported. Fixes #40.

  • nested lists are however not supported anymore

  • the <callable> can now either have signature f(v), f(*args), f(*args, **ctx) or f(v, **ctx), where **ctx can be used to receive contextual information. Fixes #39

validation_lib should be imported explicitly

  • symbols from valid8.validation_lib are not imported automatically at package root anymore. You need to import them from valid8.validation_lib. This speeds up the library's import especially when you do not use the built-in functions. So instead of from valid8 import is_even you should now do from valid8.validation_lib import is_even (or from valid8 import validation_lib as vlib + vlib.is_even). Fixed #35.

Major exceptions refactoring

  • the main validation function in a Validator is now always a failure raiser, even if a single callable was provided. This major design choice made many simplifications possible in particular the string representation of exceptions (below). Fixes #44

  • The string representation of ValidationError and ValidationFailure was greatly improved. In particular ValidationError does not display the name and outcome of the validation function anymore (since it is always a failure, see above), and ValidationFailure now has a "compact" string representation option in a new to_str() method, used in composition messages to simplify the result. Composition failures are also represented in a more compact way.

  • failure_raiser moved to base submodule with its associated type hints ValidationCallable and ValidationCallableOrLambda. It now only accepts a single validation function argument ; this is more intuitive and separates concerns with the other higher-level functions. If you used it with several inputs in the past, you can use and_(...) instead, it will be strictly equivalent to the old behaviour.

  • new @as_failure_raiser decorator to create a failure raiser by decorating an existing validation function. Fixes #36.

  • WrappingFailure does not exist anymore, it was merged with Failure class for architecture simplification. So there are two main exception classes in valid8 now: ValidationError and ValidationFailure. When the validation callable does not raise an instance of ValidationFailure itself, the Invalid subclass is used. Fixes #41


  • assert_subclass_of now exposed at root level (for consistency with assert_instance_of, to be used in the context manager entry point)

  • Added __version__ attribute to comply with PEP396, following Fixes #38.

  • result_is_success is now inlined and does not use a set expression anymore. Fixed #37

  • Improved all examples of Failure in the validation lib to show how a better practice where the help_msg stays at class level but can be overridden failure instance by failure instance.
  • Removed length_between open_left/right arguments as it does not make sense, to continue fixing #29

  • new subpackage utils where all util submodules now live

  • New submodule common_syntax where all the logic to handle the *validation_func input syntax resides
  • some type hints renamed for clarity:

    • before: ValidationFuncs / ValidationFunc / CallableType / Callable
    • now: OneOrSeveralVFDefinitions / ValidationFuncDefinition / ValidationCallableOrLamba / ValidationCallable.
    • ValidationFuncs still exists as a short alias for OneOrSeveralVFDefinitions.
  • fixed a few type hints too: tuples with unlimited length were not declared correctly. Now using the ellipsis Tuple[<type>, ...].

4.2.1 - Minor error message fix

Error messages improvements: removed the brackets in Wrong value: [...] for the Failure details. Fixed #32.

4.2.0 - validation lib improvements

  • Removed the useless 'strict' length validators: removed min_len_strict and max_len_strict in validate entry point, and removed strict argument in validation_lib's minlen and maxlen. Indeed length is an integer by python framework definition, so it is always more compact to do +1 or -1 to the number. Fixes #29.

  • New empty and non_empty built-in validators in validation_lib. New empty argument in validate. Fixes #31.

4.1.2 - Bugfix for python 3.5.2

Fixed #30 again, and fixed issue with python 2 appearing with the fix.

4.1.1 - Bugfix for python 3.5.2

Fixed #30.

4.1.0 - validate instance/subclass fix

  • assert_instance_of and assert_subclass_of (used in the validate inline entry point) fixed so as to support Enum types. Fixed #28. Important: only tuple are now supported when several types are provided in validate's instance_of and subclass_of arguments. This is to has a closer behaviour to the python stdlib.

4.0.1 - better mini-lambda compliance

  • Adapted code to leverage latest mini_lambda. Fixes #27.

4.0.0 - python 2.7 support + minor improvements

  • Python 2.7 is now supported. This fixes #25.

  • Dependencies updated: now makefun is used instead of decorator to create signature-preserving wrappers. decopatch is also used to create all the decorators consistently.

  • assert_instance_of and assert_subclass_of (used in the validate inline entry point) were improved so as to benefit from python 3's capability to compare with several classes, and so that users can provide the reference classes as an iterable rather than a set. Fixes #26.

  • More compact tracebacks for validate method: removed exception causes.

  • Fixed type inspection for old python 3.5 versions.

3.7.3 - python 3.7 support

3.7.2 - Bug fix

3.7.1 - Bug fix

3.7.0 - Typos detection and np.nan handling

  • Fixed typos detection: #21
  • Fixed np.nan handling: #20

3.6.0 - Error messages improvements + create_manually class method in ValidationError

  • values with string representation larger than 100 characters are not anymore displayed in the error messages by default. Fixes #19
  • new class method ValidationError.create_manually to create validation errors manually in some edge cases, without a validator entry point

3.5.5 - Fixed import * issue

3.5.4 - Improved init

  • The init file has been improved so as not to export symbols from other packages. Fixes #15

3.5.3 - fixed optionality detection bug

  • internal custom copy of typing_inspect module was correct for old versions of python but created a bug on new versions of python: optionality detection was not working anymore when using Optional[]. Fixes #16

3.5.2 - support for older version of

  • removed dependency to typing_inspect module so that the module also runs with very old versions of

3.5.1 - Improved tracebacks

3.5.0 - improved PEP484-nonable detection

  • Now relying on typing_inspect to check if an argument is nonable, with support of TypeVar and Union including nesting.

3.4.0 - new features

  • Inline validation:

    • validate has a new argument custom where you can provide a callable method, or a list (same than for the decorators)
  • Examples:

    • one page per example - now with a dedicated test in the sources
  • mini-lambda support: now providing an Instance_of mini-lambda equivalent of instance_of, to raise proper TypeError. See example 3 for usage

3.3.0 - new features

  • Inline validation:

    • validate has several new arguments: subclass_of, contains, subset_of, superset_of, length, equals
    • validator has a new argument: subclass_of
    • New base function assert_subclass_of
    • instance_of and subclass_of are now dual functions: they can both serve as a function generators or as a simple functions for inline validation for example inside a validator context manager.
  • Decorators:

    • 2 new function generators has_length and contains
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed bug #11 where ValidationError could not be correctly printed in case of a templating issue.
  • New examples in the documentation

3.2.0 - new names and aliases for readability

  • wrap_valid context manager was renamed validation with alias validator. The deprecated old name remains accepted until next major release 4.x.
  • quick_valid function was renamed validate. The deprecated old name remains accepted until next major release 4.x.
  • @validate decorator was renamed @validate_io. The old name is now used to denote quick_valid, see above. Its alidate alias was removed (was it used anyway ?)

3.1.0 - new instanceof parameter

  • quick_valid's parameters allowed_types and allowed_values were renamed instance_of and is_in respectively.
  • instance_of parameter has been added to wrap_valid too. This solved #10
  • assert_instance_of function is now available for use with wrap_valid

3.0.1 - fixed bug with wrap_valid when run from a terminal

  • Fixed #8 (OSError when executing from interpreter terminal)

3.0.0 - new inline validators + dynamic exception typing

  • Added two new entry points that should be more useful and usable than assert_valid for inline validation:

    • quick_valid for limited but simple one-line validation (most common tasks)
    • wrap_valid for more flexible validation (a contextmanager so it takes 2 lines)
  • ValidationError does not inherit from ValueError anymore. Instead an exception type is dynamically created with the appropriate base class (either ValueError or TypeError) when a validation exception is raised. This can be disabled by explicitly inheriting from one or the other in custom exception types.

  • improved documentation overall

  • Now compliant with old versions of typing module: typing.Type is not imported explicitly anymore.

2.1.0 - new annotation @validate_field

  • @validate_field allows users to validate class fields, whether they are descriptors, properties, or constructor arguments. Check the documentation for details!

2.0.0 - Major improvements and refactoring

  • New and improved entry points:

    • Function inputs validation: @validate_arg may be used instead of @validate to add input validation argument by argument instead of all in the same decorator (same functionality, this is just a question of style). A new decorator @validate_out is provided. The manual decorator validate_decorate was also renamed decorate_with_validation for clarity
    • Inline validation: two new functions assert_valid and is_valid, allowing users to perform validation anywhere in their code in defensive programming mode (assert_valid) or case handling mode (is_valid)
    • Common Validator class: the common logic behind all the above entry points. It offers two methods for defensive programming (validator.assert_valid) and case handling (validator.is_valid). It may also be used directly by users, to 'pre-compile' validators, so that they are not constructed at every call like when using assert_valid and is_valid. But the difference is probably negligible.
  • Clearer separation of concepts:

    • Entry points (the above) know the full validation context, and raise ValidationError (or a subclass such as InputValidationError or your custom subclass) when validation fails. The ValidationError object holds all information available concerning that validation context, and may be used by your application to improve or internationalize error messages.
    • Base validation functions (your methods or the ones from utility libraries including valid8) may raise subclasses of Failure or WrappingFailure if they wish to benefit from this helper type as well as ease application-level error handling and internationalization. The helper method failure_raiser allows to add such a friendly exception to a method not raising it (such as a lambda).
  • Better syntax to define base validation functions in entry points:

    • base validation function(s) can be provided as a callable, a tuple(callable, help_msg_str), a tuple(callable, failure_type), or a list of several such elements.
    • Nested lists are supported and indicate an implicit and_ (such as the main list).
    • mini_lambda expressions can be used instead of callables, they will be transformed to functions automatically.
    • Tuples indicate an implicit failure_raiser. Combined with mini_lambda, this is a very powerful way to create validation functions: (Len(s) > 0, 'The value should be an empty string') or (Len(s) > 0, EmptyStringFailure).
  • Minor improvements of the base functions library

    • split in independent files collections, comparables, numbers in a validation_lib submodule so as to ease maintenance and possible contributions in the future
    • added length_between validator
    • added type validation functions instance_of and subclass_of
    • all functions now raise unique subclasses of Failure ('eat your own dog food')
    • Most built-in validator generators have their corresponding __name__ now correctly set resulting in more user-friendly error messages
  • Improvements of the composition operators

    • and_, or_, xor_ now support variable number of arguments (no need to pass a list anymore)
    • not_, and_, or_, xor_ now raise consistent exceptions (subclasses of CompositionFailure), with a user-friendly error message indicating the detailed validation results.
  • A lot of new tests

1.0.0 - First public version

  • Initial fork from autoclass 1.8.1