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A thin wrapper of PyYaml to convert Python objects to YAML and back.

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PyYaml is a great library. However it is a bit hard for anyone to add the yaml capability to their classes while keeping control on what's happening. Its YamlObject helper class is a first step but it has two drawbacks:

  • one has to master PyYaml Loader/Dumper internal features to understand what they are doing
  • there is a mandatory metaclass, which can prevent wide adoption (multiple inheritance with metaclasses...)

yamlable provides a very easy way for you to leverage PyYaml without seeing the complexity: simply inherit from YamlAble, decorate with @yaml_info, and you're set!

You can then optionally override the methods to_yaml_dict and from_yaml_dict to write to / load from a dictionary, so as to adapt the yaml-ability to your class needs.

In addition yamlable provides a way to create Yaml codecs for several object types at the same time (YamlCodec).


> pip install yamlable


See the usage examples gallery.

Main features / benefits

  • Add yaml-ability to any class easily through inheritance without metaclass (as opposed to YamlObject) and without knowledge of internal PyYaml loader/dumper logic.
  • Write codecs to support several types at a time and support classes that can't be modified, with YamlCodec
  • Supports loading from mappings, but also sequences and scalars. Dumping is always done as a mapping.
  • Alternate YamlObject2 possibility, inheriting from pyyaml YamlObject.

See Also

PyYaml documentation


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