For python developers: envswitch wheel


Prerequisite: PyQt

If you use conda for your python distribution, it is recommended that you rely on conda to install pyqt rather than on pip:

> conda install pyqt>=5.6

Actually the above is REALLY recommended on Anaconda, as using pip to install pyqt in anaconda root may compromise your global conda environment (see here).

If you are not an Anaconda user then you have to manually install PyQt, since it is not included in the package dependencies in order to avoid the above to happen:

> pip install pyqt5

Alternatively for linux x64, you may wish to install this minimal version, that is sufficient for envswitch to run.

Install envswitch wheel

Simply install as usual with pip:

> pip install envswitch


envswitch installs the following commandline entry points in your python terminal:

  • envswitch_gui launches the GUI detached from the terminal. See standalone app section for more details
  • envswitch_gui_debug launches the GUI attached to the terminal. This allows users to see the execution logs and potential error messages.
  • envswitch is the commandline entrypoint.

See Usage for details