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To go further

There are a couple things that we could wish to do in real-world situations. We present below two of them that are included in the data_science_benchmark_advanced/ example files, also available from here.

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Steps in the evaluation protocol

You may wish to decompose the evaluation protocol into distinct steps (i.e. distinct pytest nodes), for several reasons:

  • you do not want to get a "fail" outcome when only a very small (maybe even optional) part of the evaluation protocol failed.
  • you want to easily spot where the error happens in case of failure
  • you would like to measure the execution of each step independently, without requiring profiling tools

It is quite easy to do so thanks to pytest-steps:

>>> pip install pytest-steps

Then a tiny modification in our main test function and Voilà:

  • pytest-steps to decompose a test into incremental steps while sharing the test context across the steps

In this solution we make use of several pytest features and plugins:

Here are the results illustrated with plots:


In each subplot you see a dataset (in gray), and the various challengers that are run against it: in yellow the linear regression and in red the quadratic function.

The code also produces a results table:


In this solution we make use of several pytest features and plugins:

  • pytest-cases to separate test code (the evaluation protocol) from test data (the datasets)
  • pytest parametrize to create two variants: degreee=1 and degree=2
  • pytest-steps to decompose a test into incremental steps while sharing the test context across the steps
  • pytest fixture to create a results store and a plots manager
  • pytest-harvest to collect applicative results from all runs, put them in the store and create the synthesis table in the end