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0.8.0 - Multiline command actions

  • Multiline string command actions are now interpreted as to be concatenated into the same shell command using & (windows) or ; (linux). This allows several commands to leverage each other, for example conda activate + some python execution. Fixes #6

0.7.0 - New @cmdtask

  • New @cmdtask similar to @pytask but to create shell commands. Fixes #5

0.6.1 - New doit_config + API change to support multiprocessing

  • New doit_config() utility method to generate a valid DOIT_CONFIG in its caller module. Fixes #1

  • The task API was not compliant with the num_process option in the configuration, enabling multiprocess execution of doit. In order to fix the issue (an issue with pickle), task was split into two: @pytask is the decorator, and task is the creator. Fixed #3

0.5.0 - First public version

  • Initial release with task, taskgen, title_with_actions and why_am_i_running.