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1.1.1 - Fixed support for latest Pillow and Python

  • Fixed support for Python 3.12 by adding setuptools requirement explicitly. Fixed #32.
  • Fixed support for Pillow version 10 or greater. PR #33 by famura.

1.1.0 - Option to change or remove the badge name

  • A new -n/--name commandline option can be used with all badge generation commands to override the badge label (left text). A --noname commandline flag can alternatively be used to remove the left part completely. PR #25 by nefrob.

1.0.6 - Bugfix

  • Fixed the badge generator in "local" mode (badge created from local SVG template, not downloaded from Fixes #19. PR #20 by texnofobix.

1.0.5 - Bugfix

  • Removed dependency to xunitparser because its packaging relies on use_2to3 which is not supported anymore in setuptools. Fixes #18.

1.0.4 - Bugfix

  • genbadge coverage: fixed ZeroDivisionError when coverage.xml contains 0 branches (in particular when --no-branch option is set). Fixes #15

1.0.3 - technical release

  • is now using the contents of setup.cfg for download url and setuptools_scm. There is now a single configuration file. See setuptools_scm#582.

1.0.2 - technical release

  • Fixed the release message.

1.0.1 - bugfix - defusedxml import

  • genbadge coverage command: fixed ImporError with defusedxml. Fixed #14.

1.0.0 - security patch + simplified tests badge

  • The tests badge now simplifies when the success rate is 100%, which is the case in the vast majority of projects. Fixes #12

  • Now using defusedxml to fix a known vulnerability. Fixes #11

0.8.0 - New features

  • Added flake8 command. Fixes #3.
  • Added a "silent" flag -s. Fixes #10
  • Added a verbosity flag -v. Fixes #1
  • Python 3.9 is now officially supported. Fixes #9

0.7.1 - Bugfix

  • Fixed bug with writing to stdout. Fixed #8.

0.7.0 - Badges can be written to stdout

  • Completed CLI help for subcommands. Fixes #5
  • Badges can now be redirected to stdout using genbadge <cmd> -o -. Fixes #4

0.6.0 - Added coverage command

  • New command genbadge coverage able to generate a badge from a coverage.xml coverage report

0.5.0 - First public version

  • Command group genbadge with global help
  • Command genbadge tests able to generate a badge from a junit.xml tests report, with :

    • color depending on success percentage (50%/75%/90%)
    • customization of input junit.xml file and output SVG badge file,
    • custom source ( by default or local SVG file template for offline usage).
    • "fail on threshold" option to return an error code 1 when the success percentage is strictly lower than the threshold.