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Automatic generation of marshmallow schemas from classes using pyfields.

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marshmallow-pyfields extends marshmallow-dataclass to help you generate marshmallow schemas for your classes using pyfields.


> pip install marshmallow-pyfields


Usage is the same than marshmallow-dataclass:

from pyfields import field, autoclass
from typing import List, Optional

from marshmallow_pyfields import get_schema

class Building:
    # field metadata is used to instantiate the marshmallow field
    height: float = field(validators={"should be positive": lambda x: x >= 0})
    name: str = "anonymous"

class City:
    name: Optional[str]
    buildings: List[Building] = []

CitySchema = get_schema(City)

city = CitySchema().load(
    {"name": "Paris", "buildings": [{"name": "Eiffel Tower", "height": 324}]}
assert repr(city) == "City(name='Paris', buildings=[Building(height=324.0, name='Eiffel Tower')])"

city_dict = CitySchema().dump(city)
assert city_dict == {'name': 'Paris', 'buildings': [{'name': 'Eiffel Tower', 'height': 324.0}]}

Main features / benefits

  • Generate marshmallow schemas from classes using pyfields, so as to benefit from the whole marshmallow ecosystem.

See Also


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