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API reference

1. Available fixtures

The following fixtures can be used in your tests as soon as the library is installed (no explicit plugin activation is required).


A "results bag" fixture: a dictionary where you can store anything (results, context, etc.) during your tests execution. It offers a "much"-like api: you can access all entries using the object protocol such as in results_bag.a = 1.

This fixture has function-scope so a new, empty instance is injected in each test node.

There are several ways to gather all results after they have been stored.

  • To get the raw stored results, use the fixture_store fixture: fixture_store['results_bag'] will contain all result bags for all tests.

  • If you are interested in both the stored results AND some stored fixture values (through @saved_fixture), you might rather wish to leverage the following helpers:

    • use one of the session_results_dct, module_results_dct, session_results_df or module_results_df fixtures. They contain all available information, in a nicely summarized way.

    • use the get_session_synthesis_dct(session) helper method to create a similar synthesis than the above with more customization capabilities.

If you wish to create custom results bags similar to this one (for example to create several with different names), use create_results_bag_fixture.

See basic and advanced documentation for details.


A 'fixture store' fixture: a dictionary where fixture instances can be saved.

By default

To retrieve the contents of the store, you can:

  • create a test using this fixture and make sure that it is executed after all others.
  • access this fixture from a dependent fixture and read its value in the setup or teardown script.
  • access this fixture from the request fixture using the get_fixture_value helper method.

This fixture has session scope so it is unique across the whole session.


This fixture contains a synthesis dictionary for all tests completed "so far", with 'full' id format. It includes contents from the default fixture_store, including results_bag.

Behind the scenes it relies on get_session_synthesis_dct.

This fixture has a function scope because we want its contents to be refreshed every time it is needed.

See documentation for details.


Same than session_results_dct but with module scope.


This fixture contains a synthesis dataframe for all tests completed "so far" in the module of the caller, with 'function' id format. It includes contents from the default fixture_store, including results_bag.

It is basically just a transformation of the session_results_dct fixture into a pandas DataFrame.

If pytest-steps is installed, the step ids will be extracted and the dataframe index will be multi-level (test id without step, step id).

This fixture has a function scope because we want its contents to be refreshed every time it is needed.

See documentation for details.


Same than session_results_df but with module scope.

Associated getter functions

For each of the above [module/session]_results_[dct/df] fixtures, an equivalent get_<fixture_name>(session, ...) is available. This allows users to access the same level of functionality than the fixture, in places where fixtures are not available (typically in a pytest hook such as the pytest_sessionfinish session finish hook)

2. Additional symbols

a- Basic


@saved_fixture(store='fixture_store',  # type: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]
               key=None,               # type: str
               views=None,             # type: Dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]]
               save_raw=None,          # type: bool

Decorates a fixture so that it is saved in store. store can be a dict-like variable or a string representing a fixture name to a dict-like session-scoped fixture. By default it uses the global 'fixture_store' fixture provided by this plugin.

After executing all tests, <store> will contain a new item under key <key> (default is the name of the fixture). This item is a dictionary : for each test node where the fixture was setup.

import pytest
from pytest_harvest import saved_fixture

def dummy():
    return 1

def test_dummy(dummy):

def test_synthesis(fixture_store):

Note that for session-scoped and module-scoped fixtures, not all test ids will appear in the store - only those for which the fixture was (re)created.

Users can save additional views created from the fixture instance by applying transforms (callable functions). To do this, users can provide a dictionary under the views argument, containing a {<key>: <procedure>} dict-like. For each entry, <procedure> will be applied on the fixture instance, and the result will be stored under <key>. save_raw controls whether the fixture instance should still be saved in this case (default: True if views is None, False otherwise).


  • store: a dict-like object or a fixture name corresponding to a dict-like object. in this dictionary, a new entry will be added for the fixture. This entry will contain a dictionary : for each test node. By default fixtures are stored in the `fixture_store``fixture.
  • key: the name associated with the stored fixture in the store. By default this is the fixture name.
  • views: an optional dictionary that can be provided to store views created from the fixture, rather than (or in addition to, if save_raw=True) the fixture itself. The dict should contain a {<key>: <procedure>} dict-like. For each entry, <procedure> will be applied on the fixture instance, and the result will be stored under <key>.
  • save_raw: controls whether the fixture instance should be saved. None (Default) is an automatic behaviour meaning "True if views is None, False otherwise".

Returns: a fixture that will be stored

See basic and advanced documentation for details.

ResultsBag class

The default type for result bags, used in the results_bag fixture and create_results_bag_fixture method.

It is a simple 'Munch', that is, a dual object/dict. It is hashable with a not very interesting hash, but at least a unique one in a python session (id(self)).

b- Intermediate


create_results_bag_fixture(store,               # type: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]
                           name='results_bag',  # type: str
                           bag_type=None,       # type: Type[Any]

Creates a "results bag" fixture with name name stored in the given store (under key=name). By default results bags are instances of ResultsBag but you can provide another bag_type if needed.


  • store: a dict-like object or a fixture name corresponding to a dict-like object. in this dictionary, a new entry will be added for the fixture. This entry will contain a dictionary : for each test node.

  • name: the name associated with the stored fixture in the global store. By default this is 'results_bag'.

  • bag_type: the type of object to create as a results bag. Default: ResultsBag

c- Advanced


The default fixture store, that is also available through the fixture_store fixture, is FIXTURE_STORE. Accessing it directly might be needed in some cases where fixtures are not available (typically in some pytest hooks). However to be pytest xdist compliant, users should rather use get_fixture_store(session) in these cases.


                          test_id_format='full',   #
                          status_details=False,    # type: bool
                          durations_in_ms=False,   # type: bool
                          pytest_prefix=None,      # type: bool
                          filter=None,             # type: Any
                          filter_incomplete=True,  # type: bool
                          flatten=False,           # type: bool
                          fixture_store=None,      # type: Union[Mapping[str, Any], Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]]]
                          flatten_more=None        # type: Union[str, Iterable[str], Mapping[str, str]]

Returns a dictionary containing a synthesis of what is available currently in the provided pytest session object.

For each entry, the key is the test id, and the value is a dictionary containing:

  • 'pytest_obj': the object under test, typically a test function
  • 'pytest_status': the overall status ('failing', 'skipped', 'passed')
  • 'pytest_duration': the duration of the 'call' step. By default this is the pytest unit (s) but if you set durations_in_ms=True it becomes (ms)
  • 'pytest_status_details': a dictionary containing step-by-step status details for all pytest steps ('setup', 'call', 'teardown'). This is only included if status_details=True (not by default)

It is possible to process the test id (the keys) using the test_id_format option. Let's assume that the id is


Here are the returned test ids depending on the selected test_id_format

  • 'function' will return test_easy[p1-p2]
  • 'class' will return TestX::()::test_easy[p1-p2]
  • 'module' will return[...]
  • 'full' will return the original id (this is the default behaviour)

In addition one can provide a custom string handling function that will be called for each test id to process.

The 'pytest' prefix in front of all these items (except pytest_obj) is by default added in non-flatten mode and removed in flatten mode. To force one of these you can set pytest_prefix to True or False.

An optional filter can be provided, that can be a singleton or iterable of pytest objects (typically test functions) and/or module names.

If this method is called before the end of the pytest session, some nodes might be incomplete, i.e. they will not have data for the three stages (setup/call/teardown). By default these nodes are filtered out but you can set filter_incomplete=False to make them appear. They will have a special 'pending' synthesis status.

An optional collection of storage objects can be provided, so as to merge them into the resulting dictionary.

Finally a flatten_output option allows users to get a flat dictionary output instead of nested status details, parameters dict, and storage dicts.


  • session: a pytest session object.
  • test_id_format: one of 'function', 'class', 'module', or 'full' (default), or a custom test id processing function.
  • status_details: a flag indicating if pytest status details per stage (setup/call/teardown) should be included. Default=False: only the pytest status summary is provided.
  • durations_in_ms: by default pytest measures durations in seconds so they are outputed in this unit. You can turn the flag to True to output milliseconds instead.
  • pytest_prefix: to add (True) or remove (False) the 'pytest_' prefix in front of status, duration and status details. Typically useful in flatten mode when the names are not ambiguous. By default it is None, which means =(not flatten)
  • filter: a singleton or iterable of pytest objects on which to filter the returned dict on (the returned items will only by pytest nodes for which the pytest object is one of the ones provided). One can also use module names. See pytest_item_matches_filter.
  • filter_incomplete: a boolean indicating if incomplete nodes (without the three stages setup/call/teardown) should appear in the results (False) or not (True, default).
  • flatten: a boolean (default False) indicating if the resulting dictionary should be flattened. If it set to True, the 3 nested dictionaries (pytest status details, parameters, and optionally storages) will have their contents directly copied in the first level (with a prefix added in case of pytest status details).
  • fixture_store: a singleton or iterable containing dict-like fixture storage objects (see @saved_fixture and create_results_bag_fixture). If flatten=False the contents of these dictionaries will be added to the output in a dedicated 'fixtures' entry. If flatten=True all of their contents will be included directly.
  • flatten_more: a singleton, iterable or dictionary containing fixture names to flatten one level more in case flatten=True. If a dictionary is provided, the key should be the fixture name, and the value should be a prefix used for flattening its contents

Returns: a dictionary where the keys are pytest node ids. Each value is also a dictionary, containing information available from pytest concerning the test node, and optionally storage contents if storage_dcts is provided.


                     filter=None,  # type: Any

Filters pytest session item in the provided session. An optional filter can be provided, that can be a singleton or iterable of pytest objects (typically test functions) and/or module names.

Used in get_session_synthesis_dct.


  • session: a pytest session
  • filter: a singleton or iterable of pytest objects on which to filter the returned dict on (the returned items will only by pytest nodes for which the pytest object is one of the ones provided). One can also use module names.

Returns: an iterable containing possibly filtered session items


pytest_item_matches_filter(item, filter)

Returns True if pytest session item item matches filter filter, False otherwise.

d- Pytest utils


                             filter=None,              # type: Any
                             filter_incomplete=False,  # type: bool

Returns the list of all unique fixture names used in all items in the provided session, with given filter.

An optional filter can be provided, that can be a singleton or iterable of pytest objects (typically test functions) and/or module names.

If this method is called before the end of the pytest session, some nodes might be incomplete, i.e. they will not have data for the three stages (setup/call/teardown). By default these nodes are filtered out but you can set filter_incomplete=False to make them appear. They will have a special 'pending' synthesis status.


  • session: a pytest session object.
  • filter: a singleton or iterable of pytest objects on which to filter the returned dict on (the returned items will only by pytest nodes for which the pytest object is one of the ones provided). One can also use modules.
  • filter_incomplete: a boolean indicating if incomplete nodes (without the three stages setup/call/teardown) should appear in the results (False) or not (True). Note: by default incomplete nodes DO APPEAR (this is different from get_session_synthesis_dct behaviour)

Returns: a list of fixture names corresponding to the desired filters


                           filter=None,              # type: Any
                           filter_incomplete=False,  # type: bool

Returns the list of all unique parameter names used in all items in the provided session, with given filter.

An optional filter can be provided, that can be a singleton or iterable of pytest objects (typically test functions) and/or module names.

If this method is called before the end of the pytest session, some nodes might be incomplete, i.e. they will not have data for the three stages (setup/call/teardown). By default these nodes are filtered out but you can set filter_incomplete=False to make them appear. They will have a special 'pending' synthesis status.


  • session: a pytest session object.
  • filter: a singleton or iterable of pytest objects on which to filter the returned dict on (the returned items will only by pytest nodes for which the pytest object is one of the ones provided). One can also use modules.
  • filter_incomplete: a boolean indicating if incomplete nodes (without the three stages setup/call/teardown) should appear in the results (False) or not (True). Note: by default incomplete nodes DO APPEAR (this is different from get_session_synthesis_dct behaviour)

Returns: a list of parameter names corresponding to the desired filters


get_fixture_value(request, fixture_name)

Returns the value associated with fixture named fixture_name, in provided request context. This is just an easy way to use getfixturevalue or getfuncargvalue according to whichever is available in current pytest version.


get_pytest_status(item, durations_in_ms=False, current_request=None)

Returns a dictionary containing item's pytest status (success/skipped/failed, duration converted to ms) for each pytest phase, and a tuple synthesizing the information.

The synthesis status contains the worst status of all phases (setup/call/teardown), or 'pending' if there are less than 3 phases.

The synthesis duration is equal to the duration of the 'call' phase (not to the sum of all phases: indeed, we are mostly interested in the test call itself).


  • item: a pytest session.item
  • durations_in_ms: by default pytest measures durations in seconds so they are outputed in this unit. You can turn the flag to True to output milliseconds instead.
  • current_request: if a non-None request is provided and the item is precisely the one from the request, then the status will be 'pending'

Returns: a tuple ((test_status, test_duration), status_dct)



Returns True if a pytest item is incomplete - in other words if at least one of the 3 steps (setup/call/teardown) is missing from the available pytest report attached to this item.



Returns a list containing a pytest session item's parameters.


Returns a dictionary containing a pytest session item's parameters.