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Spawn python code in a separate python interpreter and communicate with it easily.

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New: entire scripts can now be run remotely, check it out !

Do you want to run python code in a separate process, in a separate python interpreter, while still being able to communicate with it easily ? spawny was made for this.

It relies on the built-in multiprocessing module, but provides a higher-level API so that it is extremely easy for a non-expert to get started. The child python environment does not require any particular package to be present (not even the spawny package). The subprocess may be accessed from the main process through a "proxy" python object. Simply call that object, this will use a multiprocessing Pipe behind the scenes.


> pip install spawny


Executing a script

Let's write some python code and put it in a variable:

script = """
from collections import OrderedDict

odct = OrderedDict()
odct['a'] = 1

foo = "hello world"

def say_hello(who):
    return "hello %s" % who


To execute this script in a subprocess, all you have to do is call run_script:

from spawny import run_script

# execute the script in another process
daemon_module = run_script(script)

It yields:

[DaemonProxy] spawning child process...
[11100] Daemon started using python interpreter: <path>/python.exe
hello, process!
[DaemonProxy] spawning child process... DONE. PID=11100

Now your script is running in a subprocess, with process id 11100 as indicated in the printed message. You can check in your OS process manager that there is a new python process running under this pid. What happened behind the scenes is that the subprocess spawned loaded your script in a dynamically created module. You can see that module was ent with the hello, process! print that comes from the end of the script.

The daemon_module variable now contains a proxy able to communicate with it through inter-process communication (multiprocessing.Pipe). So you can access all the variables created in your script, and each variable will contain a proxy to the respective object. You can interact with each variable as it the objects were here:

# interact with it:
assert == "hello world"
assert daemon_module.say_hello("earthling") == "hello earthling"

Note that the results of interacting with these variables are then received as plain python object, not as proxy. Only the main variable (daemon_module) and the first-level variables (daemon_module.odct, etc.) are proxies. You can check it with:

print(type(                     # ObjectProxy
print(type(daemon_module.say_hello("earthling")))  # str


If you dispose of the object by releasing any reference to it, the daemon process will automatically terminate the next time the python garbage collector runs:

daemon_module = None
import gc
gc.collect()  # explicitly ask for garbage collection right now


[11100] Object daemon  was asked to exit - closing communication connection
[11100] Object daemon  terminating
[DaemonProxy<11100>] Terminated successfully

Note that this only happens if there is no remaining object proxy in any of your variable. You can reach the same result explicitly, by calling the .terminate_daemon() method on any of your object proxies (the main one or the second-level ones):


Executing a module

Simply use run_module instead of run_script. You can either provide a module name if the module is already imported, or a name and a path if the module file is not imported in the caller process.

Executing a single object

For this purpose the InstanceDefinition class may be used to describe what you want to instantiate:

from spawny import InstanceDefinition, run_object
definition = InstanceDefinition('io', 'StringIO', 'hello, world!')
daemon_strio = run_object(definition)

Note that the module name may be set to builtins for built-ins:

from spawny import run_object, InstanceDefinition
daemon_str_int = run_object(InstanceDefinition('builtins', 'str', 1))

Note: if the module is set to None, the class name is looked for in globals()


Choice of python executable/environment

You may wish to run the daemon in a given python environment, typically different from the one your main process runs into:

daemon = run_xxx(..., python_exe='<path_to_python.exe>')

Log levels

This is how you change the module default logging level :

import logging

Otherwise you may also wish to provide your own logger:

from logging import getLogger, FileHandler, INFO
my_logger = getLogger('mine')
daemon = run_xxx(..., logger = my_logger)

See Also

There are many libraries out there that provide much more functionality to distribute objects. The difference with spawny is that they are bigger and typically require something to be installed on the server side. However the gain in features is often incredibly high (distribution over networks, object registries, compliance with other languages...). Check them out !

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