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2.1.4 - improved packaging

  • packaging improvements: set the "universal wheel" flag to 1, and cleaned up the In particular removed dependency to six for setup and added py.typed file, as well as set the zip_safe flag to False. Removed tests folder from package. Fixes #16

2.1.3 - Added pyproject.toml

Added pyproject.toml.

2.1.2 - Added __version__ attribute

Added __version__ attribute at package level.

2.1.1 - Fixed issue with python 2

Fixed #15.

2.1.0 - Better protection against exceptions in the daemon

Now exceptions happening on the daemon side always result in a corresponding message being sent to the client, even if the exception itself is not picklable. Fixes #14.

2.0.2 - bugfix

Fixed error with typing module on some 3.7 distributions. Fixed #13.

2.0.1 - Support for scripts, new name: spawny, support for python 2.


  • The package is now named spawny. Let's hope that it will be a more intuitive name for users :)

  • Added support for python 2. Fixed #4


  • You can now execute an entire script or a module in the daemon, thanks to new ScriptDefinition and ModuleDefinition. A new Definition super type was created that is the parent of all definitions.

  • ObjectDaemonProxy was renamed DaemonProxy because it now represents the proxy for the entire daemon, whatever it is, while new class ObjectProxy represents the proxy for a given object. Several ObjectProxy rely on the same DaemonProxy to communicate with the other process. Fixes #2 and #7.

  • New high-level methods: run_script, run_module, run_object. These make the doc much easier to read and the package more intuitive to use.

Other features:

  • Now catching exceptions happening at initialization time, and reporting them in the caller. Fixed #5.

  • Fixed bug with python 2 ints not implementing rich comparison. Fixed #12

1.0.2 - Better travis integration

  • added test reports generation
  • added automatic PyPI deployment

1.0.1 - Bugfix for linux and Travis integration

  • removed reference to PipeConnection in PEP484 annotation. fixes #1 (bug on Linux environments)
  • integrated in travis: tests, code coverage, doc generation

1.0.0 - First public working version