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Yaml-able classes

Let's make a class yaml-aware so that instances can be loaded from YAML and dumped to YAML.

1. Basics

To make a class yaml-able, we have to

  • inherit from YamlAble
  • decorate it with the @yaml_info annotation to declare the associated yaml tag
from yamlable import yaml_info, YamlAble

class Foo(YamlAble):

    def __init__(self, a, b="hey"):
        """ Constructor """
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def __repr__(self):
        """ String representation for prints """
        return f"{type(self).__name__} - {dict(a=self.a, b=self.b)}"

That's it! Let's check that our class is correct and allows us to create instances:

f = Foo(1, 'hello')


Foo - {'a': 1, 'b': 'hello'}

Now let's dump it to a YAML document using pyyaml:

import yaml



a: 1
b: hello

we can also load an instance from a document:

f2 = yaml.safe_load("""
a: 0
b: hey


Foo - {'a': 0, 'b': 'hey'}

For more general cases where your object is embedded in a more complex structure for example, it will work as expected:

d = {'foo': f, 'foo2': 12}


foo: !yamlable/com.yamlable.example.Foo
  a: 1
  b: hello
foo2: 12

In addition, the object directly offers the dump_yaml (dumping to file) / dumps_yaml (dumping to string) convenience methods, and the class directly offers the load_yaml (load from file) / loads_yaml (load from string) convenience methods.

See PyYaml documentation for the various formatting arguments that you can use, they are the same than in the yaml.dump method. For example:



a: 1
b: hello

2. Customization

a. dumper/loader

As could be seen above, YamlAble comes with a default implementation of the yaml formatting and parsing associated with the classes. This is controlled by two methods that you may wish to override:

  • __to_yaml_dict__ is an instance method that controls what to dump. By default it returns vars(self)
  • __from_yaml_dict__ is a class method that controls the loading process. By default it returns cls(**dct).

You may wish to override one, or both of these methods. For example if you do not wish to dump all of the object attributes:

class CustomFoo(YamlAble):

    def __init__(self, a, b):
        """ Constructor """
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.irrelevant = 37

    def __repr__(self):
        """ String representation for prints """
        return f"{type(self).__name__} - {dict(a=self.a, b=self.b, irrelevant=self.irrelevant)}"

    def __to_yaml_dict__(self):
        # Do not dump 'irrelevant'
        return {'a': self.a, 'b': self.b}

    def __from_yaml_dict__(cls, dct, yaml_tag):
        # Accept a default value for b
        return cls(dct['a'], dct.get('b', "default"))

Let's test it: loading...

f3 = yaml.safe_load("""
a: 0


CustomFoo - {'a': 0, 'b': 'default', 'irrelevant': 37}

...and dumping again



a: 0
b: default

b. YAML tag

You probably noticed in the above examples that the dumped YAML document contains a tag such as !yamlable/com.yamlable.example.CustomFoo.

When you dump a YamlAble object o to yaml, the corresponding tag is f!yamlable/{o.__yaml_tag_suffix__}. Note that you can override the class attribute, or even the instance attribute:

f3.__yaml_tag_suffix__ = "wow_you_changed_me"


a: 0
b: default

The @yaml_info decorator is just a convenient way to fill the __yaml_tag_suffix__ attribute on a class, nothing more. You can either provide a full yaml tag suffix:

class MyFoo(YamlAble):



!yamlable/com.example.WowObject {}

Notice that this is great for retrocompatiblity: you can change your class name or module without changing the YAML serialization.

Otherwise you can simply provide a namespace, that will be appended with .{cls.__name__}:

class MyFoo(YamlAble):



!yamlable/com.example.MyFoo {}

In that case, you'll have to be sure that your class name does not change over time. If you do not like the !yamlable prefix, you should use the alternate YamlObject2 class - in that case the decorator should not be used.

3. Alternate way: YamlObject2

If you absolutely wish to use PyYaml's YamlObject for some reason, you can use YamlObject2 as an alternative to YamlAble. But it comes with the metaclass, like YamlObject.

Nevertheless, the way to work is very similar: simply override the optional methods. However you must specify the entire yaml tag directly using the yaml_tag class variable. The @yaml_info decorator can not be used with classes subclassing YamlObject2.

from yamlable import YamlObject2

class CustomFoo2(YamlObject2):
    yaml_tag = '!foo'

    def __init__(self, a, b):
        """ Constructor """
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.irrelevant = 37

    def __repr__(self):
        """ String representation for prints """
        return f"{type(self).__name__} - {dict(a=self.a, b=self.b, irrelevant=self.irrelevant)}"

    def __to_yaml_dict__(self):
        # Do not dump 'irrelevant'
        return {'a': self.a, 'b': self.b}

    def __from_yaml_dict__(cls, dct, yaml_tag):
        # Accept a default value for b
        return cls(dct['a'], dct.get('b', "default"))

# instantiate
f = CustomFoo2(1, 'hello')

# dump to yaml
o = yaml.dump(f)



a: 1
b: hello

CustomFoo2 - {'a': 1, 'b': 'hello', 'irrelevant': 37}

4. Support for sequences and scalars

Objects can also be loaded from YAML sequences:

- 0
- hey


Foo - {'a': 0, 'b': 'hey'}

The default implementation of __from_yaml_list__ (that you may wish to override in your subclass), is to call the constructor with the sequence contents as positional arguments.

The same also works for scalars:

!yamlable/com.yamlable.example.Foo 0


Foo - {'a': '0', 'b': 'hey'}

The default implementation of __from_yaml_scalar__ (that you may wish to override in your subclass), is to call the constructor with the scalar as first positional argument.

Scalars are not resolved

As can be seen in the above example, scalars are not auto-resolved when constructing an object from a scalar. So an integer 0 is actually received as a string "0" by from_yaml_scalar.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.014 seconds)

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