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API reference

In general, using help(symbol) is the recommended way to get the latest documentation. In addition, this page provides an overview of the various elements in this package.

Main symbols


def create_function(func_signature: Union[str, Signature],
                    func_impl: Callable[[Any], Any],
                    func_name: str = None,
                    inject_as_first_arg: bool = False,
                    add_source: bool = True,
                    add_impl: bool = True,
                    doc: str = None,
                    qualname: str = None,
                    co_name: str = None,
                    module_name: str = None,

Creates a function with signature func_signature that will call func_impl when called. All arguments received by the generated function will be propagated as keyword-arguments to func_impl when it is possible (so all the time, except for var-positional or positional-only arguments that get passed as *args. Note that positional-only does not yet exist in python but this case is already covered because it is supported by Signature objects).

func_signature can be provided in different formats:

  • as a string containing the name and signature without 'def' keyword, such as 'foo(a, b: int, *args, **kwargs)'. In which case the name in the string will be used for the __name__ and __qualname__ of the created function by default.

  • as a Signature object, for example created using signature(f) or handcrafted. Since a Signature object does not contain any name, in this case the __name__ and __qualname__ of the created function will be copied from func_impl by default.

All the other metadata of the created function are defined as follows:

  • default __name__ attribute (see above) can be overridden by providing a non-None func_name
  • default __qualname__ attribute (see above) can be overridden by providing a non-None qualname
  • __annotations__ attribute is created to match the annotations in the signature.
  • __doc__ attribute is copied from func_impl.__doc__ except if overridden using doc
  • __module__ attribute is copied from func_impl.__module__ except if overridden using module_name
  • __code__.co_name (see above) defaults to the same value as the above __name__ attribute, except when that value is not a valid Python identifier, in which case it will be <lambda>. It can be overridden by providing a co_name that is either a valid Python identifier or <lambda>.

Finally two new attributes are optionally created

  • __source__ attribute: set if add_source is True (default), this attribute contains the source code of the generated function
  • __func_impl__ attribute: set if add_impl is True (default), this attribute contains a pointer to func_impl

A lambda function will be created in the following cases:

  • when func_signature is a Signature object and func_impl is itself a lambda function,
  • when the function name, either derived from a func_signature string, or given explicitly with func_name, is not a valid Python identifier, or
  • when the provided co_name is <lambda>.


  • func_signature: either a string without 'def' such as "foo(a, b: int, args, *kwargs)" or "(a, b: int)", or a Signature object, for example from the output of inspect.signature or from the funcsigs.signature backport. Note that these objects can be created manually too. If the signature is provided as a string and contains a non-empty name, this name will be used instead of the one of the decorated function.

  • func_impl: the function that will be called when the generated function is executed. Its signature should be compliant with (=more generic than) func_signature

  • inject_as_first_arg: if True, the created function will be injected as the first positional argument of func_impl. This can be handy in case the implementation is shared between several facades and needs to know from which context it was called. Default=False

  • func_name: provide a non-None value to override the created function __name__ and __qualname__. If this is None (default), the __name__ will default to the one of func_impl if func_signature is a Signature, or to the name defined in func_signature if func_signature is a str and contains a non-empty name.

  • add_source: a boolean indicating if a 'source' annotation should be added to the generated function (default: True)

  • add_impl: a boolean indicating if a 'func_impl' annotation should be added to the generated function (default: True)

  • doc: a string representing the docstring that will be used to set the doc attribute on the generated function. If None (default), the doc of func_impl will be used.

  • qualname: a string representing the qualified name to be used. If None (default), the __qualname__ will default to the one of func_impl if func_signature is a Signature, or to the name defined in func_signature if func_signature is a str and contains a non-empty name.

  • co_name: a string representing the name to be used in the compiled code of the function. If None (default), the __code__.co_name will default to the one of func_impl if func_signature is a Signature, or to the name defined in func_signature if func_signature is a str and contains a non-empty name.

  • module_name: the name of the module to be set on the function (under module ). If None (default), func_impl.__module__ will be used.

  • attrs: other keyword attributes that should be set on the function. Note that func_impl.__dict__ is not automatically copied.


def with_signature(func_signature: Union[str, Signature],
                   func_name: str = None,
                   inject_as_first_arg: bool = False,
                   add_source: bool = True,
                   add_impl: bool = True,
                   doc: str = None,
                   qualname: str = None,
                   co_name: str = None,
                   module_name: str = None,

A decorator for functions, to change their signature. The new signature should be compliant with the old one.

def impl(...):

is totally equivalent to impl = create_function(<arguments>, func_impl=impl) except for one additional behaviour:

  • If func_signature is set to None, there is no TypeError as in create_function. Instead, this simply applies the new metadata (name, doc, module_name, attrs) to the decorated function without creating a wrapper. add_source, add_impl and inject_as_first_arg should not be set in this case.

  • func_signature: the new signature of the decorated function. Either a string without 'def' such as "foo(a, b: int, args, *kwargs)" or "(a, b: int)", or a Signature object, for example from the output of inspect.signature or from the funcsigs.signature backport. Note that these objects can be created manually too. If the signature is provided as a string and contains a non-empty name, this name will be used instead of the one of the decorated function. Finally None can be provided to indicate that user wants to only change the medatadata (func_name, doc, module_name, attrs) of the decorated function, without generating a new function.

  • inject_as_first_arg: if True, the created function will be injected as the first positional argument of func_impl. This can be handy in case the implementation is shared between several facades and needs to know from which context it was called. Default=False

  • func_name: provide a non-None value to override the created function __name__ and __qualname__. If this is None (default), the __name__ will default to the one of func_impl if func_signature is a Signature, or to the name defined in func_signature if func_signature is a str and contains a non-empty name.

  • add_source: a boolean indicating if a 'source' annotation should be added to the generated function (default: True)

  • add_impl: a boolean indicating if a 'func_impl' annotation should be added to the generated function (default: True)

  • doc: a string representing the docstring that will be used to set the doc attribute on the generated function. If None (default), the doc of the decorated function will be used.

  • qualname: a string representing the qualified name to be used. If None (default), the __qualname__ will default to the one of func_impl if func_signature is a Signature, or to the name defined in func_signature if func_signature is a str and contains a non-empty name.

  • co_name: a string representing the name to be used in the compiled code of the function. If None (default), the __code__.co_name will default to the one of func_impl if func_signature is a Signature, or to the name defined in func_signature if func_signature is a str and contains a non-empty name.

  • module_name: the name of the module to be set on the function (under module ). If None (default), the __module__ attribute of the decorated function will be used.

  • attrs: other keyword attributes that should be set on the function. Note that the full __dict__ of the decorated function is not automatically copied.


def wraps(f,
          new_sig: Union[str, Signature] = None,
          prepend_args: Union[str, Parameter, Iterable[Union[str, Parameter]]] = None,
          append_args: Union[str, Parameter, Iterable[Union[str, Parameter]]] = None,
          remove_args: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = None,
          func_name: str = None,
          inject_as_first_arg: bool = False,
          add_source: bool = True,
          add_impl: bool = True,
          doc: str = None,
          qualname: str = None,
          co_name: str = None,
          module_name: str = None,

A decorator to create a signature-preserving wrapper function.

It is similar to functools.wraps, but

  • relies on a proper dynamically-generated function. Therefore as opposed to functools.wraps,

    • the wrapper body will not be executed if the arguments provided are not compliant with the signature - instead a TypeError will be raised before entering the wrapper body.
    • the arguments will always be received as keywords by the wrapper, when possible. See documentation for details.
  • you can modify the signature of the resulting function, by providing a new one with new_sig or by providing a list of arguments to remove in remove_args, to prepend in prepend_args, or to append in append_args. See documentation on full and quick signature edits for details.

Comparison with @with_signature: @wraps(f) is equivalent to


In other words, as opposed to @with_signature, the metadata (doc, module name, etc.) is provided by the wrapped wrapped_fun, so that the created function seems to be identical (except possiblyfor the signature). Note that all options in with_signature can still be overrided using parameters of @wraps.

The additional __wrapped__ attribute is added on the created function, to stay consistent with the functools.wraps behaviour. If the signature is modified through new_sig, remove_args, append_args or prepend_args, the __signature__ attribute will be added per PEP 362.

See also python documentation on @wraps


  • wrapped_fun: the function that you intend to wrap with the decorated function. As in functools.wraps, wrapped_fun is used as the default reference for the exposed signature, __name__, __qualname__, __doc__ and __dict__.

  • new_sig: the new signature of the decorated function. By default it is None and means "same signature as in wrapped_fun" (similar behaviour as in functools.wraps) If you wish to modify the exposed signature you can either use remove/prepend/append_args, or pass a non-None new_sig. It can be either a string without 'def' such as "foo(a, b: int, args, *kwargs)" of "(a, b: int)", or a Signature object, for example from the output of inspect.signature or from the funcsigs.signature backport. Note that these objects can be created manually too. If the signature is provided as a string and contains a non-empty name, this name will be used instead of the one of wrapped_fun.

  • prepend_args: a string or list of strings to prepend to the signature of wrapped_fun. These extra arguments should not be passed to wrapped_fun, as it does not know them. This is typically used to easily create a wrapper with additional arguments, without having to manipulate the signature objects.

  • append_args: a string or list of strings to append to the signature of wrapped_fun. These extra arguments should not be passed to wrapped_fun, as it does not know them. This is typically used to easily create a wrapper with additional arguments, without having to manipulate the signature objects.

  • remove_args: a string or list of strings to remove from the signature of wrapped_fun. These arguments should be injected in the received kwargs before calling wrapped_fun, as it requires them. This is typically used to easily create a wrapper with less arguments, without having to manipulate the signature objects.

  • func_name: provide a non-None value to override the created function __name__ and __qualname__. If this is None (default), the __name__ will default to the ones of wrapped_fun if new_sig is None or is a Signature, or to the name defined in new_sig if new_sig is a str and contains a non-empty name.

  • inject_as_first_arg: if True, the created function will be injected as the first positional argument of the decorated function. This can be handy in case the implementation is shared between several facades and needs to know from which context it was called. Default=False

  • add_source: a boolean indicating if a 'source' annotation should be added to the generated function (default: True)

  • add_impl: a boolean indicating if a 'func_impl' annotation should be added to the generated function (default: True)

  • doc: a string representing the docstring that will be used to set the doc attribute on the generated function. If None (default), the doc of wrapped_fun will be used. If wrapped_fun is an instance of functools.partial, a special enhanced doc will be generated.

  • qualname: a string representing the qualified name to be used. If None (default), the __qualname__ will default to the one of wrapped_fun, or the one in new_sig if new_sig is provided as a string with a non-empty function name.

  • co_name: a string representing the name to be used in the compiled code of the function. If None (default), the __code__.co_name will default to the one of func_impl if func_signature is a Signature, or to the name defined in func_signature if func_signature is a str and contains a non-empty name.

  • module_name: the name of the module to be set on the function (under module ). If None (default), the __module__ attribute of wrapped_fun will be used.

  • attrs: other keyword attributes that should be set on the function. Note that the full __dict__ of wrapped_fun is automatically copied.


def create_wrapper(wrapped,
                   new_sig: Union[str, Signature] = None,
                   prepend_args: Union[str, Parameter, Iterable[Union[str, Parameter]]] = None,
                   append_args: Union[str, Parameter, Iterable[Union[str, Parameter]]] = None,
                   remove_args: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = None,
                   func_name: str = None,
                   inject_as_first_arg: bool = False,
                   add_source: bool = True,
                   add_impl: bool = True,
                   doc: str = None,
                   qualname: str = None,
                   co_name: str = None,
                   module_name: str = None,

Creates a signature-preserving wrapper function. create_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper, **kwargs) is equivalent to wraps(wrapped, **kwargs)(wrapper). See @wraps


def partial(f: Callable, 

Equivalent of functools.partial but relies on a dynamically-created function. As a result the function looks nicer to users in terms of apparent documentation, name, etc.

See documentation for details.


def with_partial(*preset_pos_args, 

Decorator to 'partialize' a function using partial.

Signature editing utils


def add_signature_parameters(s,             # type: Signature
                             first=(),      # type: Union[str, Parameter, Iterable[Union[str, Parameter]]]
                             last=(),       # type: Union[str, Parameter, Iterable[Union[str, Parameter]]]
                             custom=(),     # type: Union[Parameter, Iterable[Parameter]]
                             custom_idx=-1  # type: int

Adds the provided parameters to the signature s (returns a new Signature instance).

  • s: the original signature to edit
  • first: a single element or a list of Parameter instances to be added at the beginning of the parameter's list. Strings can also be provided, in which case the parameter kind will be created based on best guess.
  • last: a single element or a list of Parameter instances to be added at the end of the parameter's list. Strings can also be provided, in which case the parameter kind will be created based on best guess.
  • custom: a single element or a list of Parameter instances to be added at a custom position in the list. That position is determined with custom_idx
  • custom_idx: the custom position to insert the custom parameters to.


def remove_signature_parameters(s, 

Removes the provided parameters from the signature s (returns a new Signature instance).

