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1.15.2 - bugfix

  • Fixed SyntaxError happening when the name of a native coroutine function to create contains 'return'. Fixes #96.

1.15.1 - bugfixes

  • Fixed ValueError: Invalid co_name happening on python 2 when the name of a function to create starts or ends with _ or contains a double __ . Fixes #91

1.15.0 - More PEP-compliant wraps

  • wraps now always sets the __wrapped__ attribute, and also sets the __signature__ attribute when the signature changes, as specified by PEP 362. PR by #86 by lucaswiman.

1.14.0 - Support for lambda functions

  • create_wrapper, create_function, wraps and with_signature now support lambda functions. They also accept a new parameter co_name to define the name to be used in the compiled code. PR #80 by andrewcleveland.

1.13.1 - Fixed regression with generators in python 3.5

  • Fixed an issue where using partial on a generator function in python 3.5 was raising a SyntaxError. Fixed #79

1.13.0 - Support for async generator functions

1.12.1 - Bugfix

  • Fixed TypeError when a func attribute is present on the function provided to create_function. Fixed #76

1.12.0 - Refactoring and consistency improvement

  • Fixed partial so that :
  • when no argument is provided, it is equivalent to wraps(f)(f). That is, the __wrapped__ attribute is set. Fixed #73
  • it sets the func attribute just as functools.partial does. Fixed #75
  • Removed pytest-cases dependency as it was a circular one. Fixed #68
  • Now using flake8 for qualimetry and genbadge for badges. Fixed #71
  • Restructured project so that tests are truly independent, to ease rpm/apt/etc. packaging. Fixed #69

1.11.3 - bugfix with default values representable but not evaluable

  • When a default value v in a signature is representable but its eval(repr(v)) raises an exception, created signatures would raise an exception instead of automatically protecting the symbol. PR #67 by gcalmettes.

1.11.2 - bugfix with chained @wraps

  • Fixed issue where @wraps does not remove the __wrapped__ attribute when it wraps an already-wrapped function, and modifies its signature. Fixes #66

1.11.1 - bugfix

  • Fixed a bug happening when trying to generate a function where float('inf') is used as a default value. Fixes #63.

1.11.0 - partial bugfixes and improvements + new wraps parameters

  • @wraps now has new arguments prepend_arg and append_arg to quickly prepend or append a new parameter to a function signature. Fixes #65

  • add_signature_parameters can now receive string parameter names in its first and last arguments.

  • Improved generated docstring for partial with better support for preset positional args.

  • partial's behaviour is now aligned with the one in functools.partial in terms of arguments order and kind. Fixes #64

  • Bug fix: passing preset positional arguments to partial does not wipe out the rest of the signature any more. Fixes #62

1.10.2 - Github actions test

  • Technical release: validation of the new github actions workflow.

1.10.1 - Github actions migration

  • Technical release: validation of the new github actions workflow for PyPi deployment.

1.10.0 - Removing arguments easily in @wraps

  • @wraps now offers a remove_params argument allowing one to remove an argument from the exposed signature, typically to create and inject it in the wrapper. Fixes #60

1.9.5 - Bugfix with partial when f has no args

  • partial can now be used to create a copy of a function with no args. Fixed ValueError: Cannot preset 0 positional args, function case_second has only 0 args.. Fixed #59

1.9.4 - removed six dependency

  • Removed unused six dependency. Note: this version will ship in conda forge.

1.9.3 - Minor compatibility fixes with functools.partial

  • @wraps can now be used to wrap a functools.partial. Fixed #57

  • create_function now correctly reuses information from the partialized function if a functools.partial is used as the implementation.

  • create_function now raises a more explicit error when no func_name can be found.

  • makefun.partial now generates a signature that is more consistent with functools.partial. Fixes #58

1.9.2 - packaging improvements

  • packaging improvements: set the "universal wheel" flag to 1, and cleaned up the In particular removed dependency to six for setup and added py.typed file, as well as set the zip_safe flag to False. Removed tests folder from package. Fixes #54

1.9.1 - @compile_fun bugfix

Fixed OSError: could not get source code or IOError: could not get source code when @compile_fun is used on a function that depends on an already-compiled function. Fixed #51

1.9.0 - @compile_fun improvements, bugfix and better exception

@compile_fun: added capability to disable recursive compilation (recurse arg) , and to exclude some names from compilation (except_names arg). Fixed #49 and #50

Fixed issue ValueError: Cell is empty with @compile_fun. Fixed #48

Now raising an UndefinedSymbolError when a symbol is not known at compilation time. One step towards #47

1.8.0 - new @compile_fun goodie

New goodie @compile_fun decorator to compile a function so that it can not be navigated to using the debugger. Fixes #46

1.7.0 - minor goodies update

add_signature_parameters now accepts that one specifies a custom index where to insert the new parameters.

1.6.11 - Added version attribute

Added __version__ attribute to comply with PEP396, following this guide. Fixes #45.

1.6.10 - Fixed dependencies 2

Fixed six dependency: also declared as a setup dependency.

1.6.9 - Fixed dependencies

Added missing six dependency explicitly.

1.6.8 - Improved performance

  • Improved performance of inner method get_signature_string (used by all entry points) after profiling.

1.6.7 - Increased tolerance to function signatures in python 2

  • In python 2 some libraries such as attrs can modify the annotations manually, making signature return a string representation that is not compliant with the language version. This raised a SyntaxError in previous versions. The new version silently removes all these annotations in python versions that do not support them. Fixes #39.

1.6.6 - Bug fix

  • Fixed yet another nasty varpositional-related bug :). Fixes #38.

1.6.5 - Bug fix

  • Fixed NameError in case of unknown symbols in type hints. Fixes #37.

1.6.4 - Bug fix and minor improvement

  • Fixed PEP8 error in source code. Fixes #35.

  • Now string signatures can contain a colon. Fixes #36

1.6.3 - Bug fix with type hints in signature

Fixed bug when the return type annotation of the function to create contains non-locally available type hints. Fixes #33.

1.6.2 - Bug fix with type hints in signature

Fixed bug when the signature of the function to create contains non-locally available type hints. Fixes #32.

1.6.1 - with_partial and partial minor bug fix

Fixed partial to support missing and empty docstring. Fixes #31.

1.6.0 - added with_partial and partial

New method partial that behaves like functools.partial, and equivalent decorator @with_partial. Fixes #30.

1.5.1 - bug fix

add_signature_parameters now correctly inserts parameters in the right order when they are prepended (using first=). Fixed #29.

1.5.0 - Major refactoring and bugfixes

Function creation API:

  • renamed all handler into impl for clarity. Fixes #27.
  • renamed addsource and addhandler arguments as add_source and add_impl respectively, for consistency
  • signatures can not be provided as a callable anymore - that was far too confusing. If the reference signature is a callable, then use @wraps or create_wrapper, because that's probably what you want to do (= reuse not only the signature but also all metadata). Fixes #26.
  • the function name is now optional in signatures provided as string.
  • now setting __qualname__ attribute
  • default function name, qualname, doc and module name are the ones from func_impl in create_function and @with_signature, and are the ones from the wrapped function in create_wrapper and @wraps as intuitively expected. Fixes #28.


  • @wraps and create_wrapper now offer a new_sig argument. In that case the __wrapped__ attribute is not set. Fixes #25.
  • @wraps and create_wrapper now correctly preserve the __dict__ and other metadata from the wrapped item. Fixes #24

1.4.0 - Non-representable default values are now handled correctly

When a non-representable default value was used in the signature to generate, the code failed with a SyntaxError. This case is now correctly handled, by storing the corresponding variable in the generated function's context. Fixes #23.

1.3.0 - Aliases for signature-preserving wrapper scenarios

  • Now providing a @wraps, equivalent of functools.wraps; and a create_wrapper equivalent of functools.update_wrapper. Fixes #21

  • @with_signature now does not override the __name__ when signature is provided as a function. Fixes #22

  • add_signature_parameters now accepts that parameters are provided as single elements (not necessarily iterables)

  • Updated documentation

1.2.0 - @with_signature supports None

None can be used as the desired signature of @with_signature. This indicated that the user does not want to create a new function but only wants to update the metadata. Fixes #20.

1.1.2 - Fixes

Fixed isgeneratorfunction for old python versions, see decorator#63.

Python<3.3-specific function body is now not loaded at all if not needed.

1.1.1 - @with_signature fix

inject_as_first_arg was missing from @with_signature, added it. Fixed #18.

1.1.0 - Support for generators and coroutines

Now create_function and @with_signature create the same kind of function than the handler. So if it is a generator, a generator-based coroutine, or an async coroutine, the generated function will adapt. Fixes #6.

1.0.2 - Fixed @with_signature

Now a string signature can be provided to @with_signature without problem. Fixed #17.

1.0.1 - minor: fixed PyPi doc

1.0.0 - New parameters, new goodie, and bugfix

@with_signature :

  • now exposes all options of create_function. Fixed #12.
  • now correctly sets the module name by default. Fixes #13
  • now accepts None as the new func_signature to declare that the signature is identical to the decorated function. This can be handy to just change the docstring or module name of a function for example. Fixes #15

create_function and @with_signature:

  • New module_name parameter to override the module name. Fixes #14
  • the handler is now available as a field of the generated function (under __func_impl__). New addhandler parameter (default: True) controls this behaviour. Fixes #16


  • New goodie to manipulate signatures: add_signature_parameters.
  • Fixed dependencies for documentation auto-build.

0.5.0 - New helper function, and bugfix

New helper function remove_signature_parameters.

Fixed issue with @with_signature when argument is a Signature. Fixes #11

0.4.0 - New @with_signature decorator, and create_function accepts functions

New decorator @with_signature to change the signature of a callable. Fixes #3

create_function now accepts that a function be passed as a signature template. Fixes #10

0.3.0 - Ability to generate functions from Signature

Functions can now be created from a Signature object, in addition to string signatures. This unlocks many useful use cases, among easily creating function wrappers. Note: the inner function that provides this feature is get_signature_from_string. Fixes #8

Improved design by getting rid of the regular expression parser to check parameters definition. This assumes that the compiler will correctly raise exceptions when a string signature is not correct, and that inspect.signature or funcsigs.signature works correctly at detecting all the parameter kinds and annotations on the resulting function. It seems like a fair assumption... Fixes #9.

0.2.0 - Various new features and improvements


  • create_function does not require users to prepend "def " to the signature anymore. Fixed #5

  • Return annotations are now supported. Fixes #4.

  • Type hint as comments are supported but the generated function loses the annotations because inspect.signature loses the annotation too in that case. Fixes #7

  • Variable-length arguments such as *args and **kwargs are now properly handled. Fixes #2

  • Handler functions can now receive the dynamically created function as first argument, by using create_function(func_signature, func_handler, inject_as_first_arg=True). Fixes #1

  • Renamed _call_ into _func_impl_ in the generated code.


  • Added pytest-cases dependency for tests.

0.1.0 - First public version

First version created, largely inspired by decorator