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API reference

In general, using help(symbol) is the recommended way to get the latest documentation. In addition, this page provides an overview of the various elements in this package.


A helper class to create pytest marks.

EasyMarker(marker_id,             # type: str
           mode,                  # type: str
           full_name=None,        # type: str
           has_arg=True,          # type: bool
           allowed_values=None,   # type: Iterable[Any]
           cmdoption_short=None,  # type: str
           cmdoption_long=None,   # type: str
           cmdhelp=None,          # type: str
           markhelp=None,         # type: str

Creates a pair of marker + commandline option for pytest. Marker instances can be used

  • to decorate test classes or test functions: @marker or @marker(arg) depending whether you set has_arg=False/True
  • in parametrization values with pytest.param(*<argvalues>, marks=<self>) or pytest.param(*<argvalues>, marks=<self>(arg)) (for this, we inherit from MarkDecorator and override .mark)

In addition, <self>.param(*<argvalues>) or <self>(arg).param(*<argvalues>) is a convenience method provided to do the same than pytest.param(*<argvalues>, marks=<self>) or pytest.param(*<argvalues>, marks=<self>(arg)).

A special decorator @<marker>.agnostic can be used to decorate tests that should always run, whatever the configuration. This is only relevant for mode='silos' or mode='hard_filter', see below.


  • marker_id: the name of the pytest mark. Applying this marker with @marker(arg) will be equivalent to applying @pytest.mark.(arg)
  • mode: a mandatory string indicating the working mode of this mark and the associated filter option. Four modes are supported:

    • 'silos': When the option is inactive, only non-marked tests are run. When the option is active, only relevant marked tests run. There is no test in common between these "silos"
    • 'extender': When the option is inactive, only non-marked tests are run, this is the "base" set of tests. When the option is active, it adds the relevant marked tests to the base set.
    • 'hard_filter': When the option is inactive, all tests run. When the option is active, only the relevant marked tests run.
    • 'soft_filter': When the option is inactive, all tests run. When the option is active, all non-marked tests continue to run, but among marked tests only the relevant ones run.
  • full_name: the full name of the marker, to be used in help texts. If None (default), it defaults to marker_id.

  • has_arg: if this is True (default), the marker has a single argument and the filtering commandline option accepts an argument too. For example a colormarker with id color will accept an argument describing which color: @colormarker('yellow'). If this is False, the marker has no argument and the filtering commandline option is a flag with no arguments too. For example a smokemarker with id smoke: @smokemarker.
  • allowed_values: a predefined set of values that can be used for this marker. Applying the mark with another value as argument will result in a ValueErrorbeing raised. None (default) will allow users to apply this mark with any value. Note that this can only be set if has_argis True
  • cmdoption_short: the id to use for the "short" command option (for example providing 'E' or '-E' will result in the option '-E'). None (default) will not create a "short" command option, to avoid name collisions.
  • cmdoption_long: the id to use for the "long" command option (for example providing 'env' or '--env' will result in the option '--env'). None (default) will use marker_id for the long command option.
  • cmdhelp: the help message displayed when pytest --help is called
  • markhelp: the help message displayed when pytest --markers is called

easymarkers fixture

A fixture containing all EasyMarker related CLI option current values

You can list all key-value pairs with vars(easymarkers) and access each value using attribute access: easymarkers.<option>.