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0.8.0 - New easymarkers fixture

  • New easymarkers fixture to access current values of all CLI options related to EasyMarkers, from within tests. Fixed #17

0.7.0 - New agnostic mark

  • @<marker>.agnostic can be used to decorate tests that should always run, whatever the configuration. This is only relevant for mode='silos' or mode='hard_filter'. Fixes #15

0.6.0 - Usage in parametrization

  • EasyMarker markers can now be used on parameters in tests (and also on case functions, if you use pytest-cases :)). Fixes #12

0.5.0 - Better API, implementation and documentation

  • EasyMarker API improvements: now a single mode argument with four supported values ('silos', 'extender', hard_filter, soft_filter) replaces the very unfriendly filtering_skips_unmarked and not_filtering_skips_marked. This argument is mandatory, so that users have to decide what they want as a resulting behaviour. Fixes #5
  • Markers without arguments (EasyMarker(has_arg=False)) now work correctly. Fixes #8
  • Short command option name (EasyMarker(cmdoption_short=...)) is now registered correctly. Fixed #9
  • allowed_values are now correctly taken into account by EasyMarker. Fixes #1
  • Removed annoying warning about marks registration. Fixes #6
  • Improved the various messages printed when using pytest --markers and pytest --help. In particular, using --markers shows the allowed values for a given marker.

0.1.2 - packaging improvements

  • packaging improvements: set the "universal wheel" flag to 1, and cleaned up the In particular removed dependency to six for setup and added py.typed file, as well as set the zip_safe flag to False. Removed tests folder from package. Fixes #4

0.1.1 - pyproject.toml

Added pyproject.toml

0.1.0 - First public version

  • Initial fork from private repository