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1.8.0 - New fixtures for pytest-harvest

  • New fixtures step_bag and cross_bag, that may be used when pytest-harvest is installed. These fixtures are versions of pytest-harvest's results_bag fixture that can be used with steps. Fixes #49. PR #46 by j-carson.
  • six is not a dependency anymore.

1.7.3 - packaging improvements

  • packaging improvements: set the "universal wheel" flag to 1, and cleaned up the In particular removed dependency to six for setup and added py.typed file, as well as set the zip_safe flag to False. Removed tests folder from package. Fixes #39

1.7.2 - warning removed

Removed import warning. Fixed #37

1.7.1 - pyproject.toml

Added pyproject.toml.

1.7.0 - Support for test functions located inside test classes

@test_steps can now be used on test functions located inside classes. Fixed #16

Warning: as a consequence of the fix above, the order of arguments has changed. this has an impact for manual execution. See here for details.

1.6.4 - python 2 bugfix

Fixed issue happening with python 2 when unicode_literals are used in the parameters receiving string types. Fixed #34

1.6.3 - added __version__ attribute

Added __version__ attribute at package level

1.6.2 - added six dependency

It was missing from

1.6.1 - Minor code improvements

Made the python 3 signature patch more readable... for those users who will enter in the code while debugging.

1.6.0 - Minor dependencies update

Improved docstring for @cross_steps_fixture. Replaced decorator dependency + internal hack with proper usage of makefun.

1.5.4 - Bug fix

The test step list is now correctly taken into account when a decorated function is called manually. Fixed #30.

1.5.3 - Bug fix

Fixed plugin initialization error when pytest_harvest is not present. Fixed #29.

1.5.2 - Bug fix

pytest_harvest is not anymore required for install. Fixed #28.

1.5.1 - Bug fix and exceptions improvement

We now detect that @cross_step_fixture or @one_fixture_per_step is applied on a fixture with the wrong scope, and raise a much more readable exception. Fixes #25.

Improved pivot_steps_on_df so that we can use a filter on it, and so that only cross-step fixtures are used in the default cross-step columns. Fixes #26

1.5.0 - New @cross_steps_fixture decorator

@one_per_step renamed @one_fixture_per_step for clarity. Old alias will remain across at least one minor version.

New @cross_steps_fixture decorator to declare that a function-scoped fixture should be created once and reused across all steps. This decorator and the already existing decorator @one_fixture_per_step provide a consistent and very intuitive way for users to declare how fixtures should behave in presence of steps. Fixes #24.

Minor: _get_step_param_names_or_default moved to steps submodule.

1.4.0 - Documentation + Possibility to call a decorated test function manually.

New features: - It is now possible to call a test function decorated with @test_steps manually, for example to run it once at the beinning of a test session in order for all imports to be done before actual execution. Fixes #22

Minor: - steps_harvest_df_utils submodule is now correctly listed in __all__. - Improved docstrings and documentation page for API reference.

1.3.0 - Default fixtures for pytest-harvest

When steps are present, we now offer session_results_df_steps_pivoted and module_results_df_steps_pivoted default fixtures, to align with pytest-harvest >= 1.1 default fixtures session_results_df and module_results_df. Fixes #23.

Improved API to manipulate pytest-harvest results objects in presence of steps: - Renamed handle_steps_in_synthesis_dct into handle_steps_in_results_dct (old alias is kept for this version). Renamed parameter raise_if_no_step to raise_if_one_test_without_step_id. Added a parameter keep_orig_id, by default (True) the original test id is kept for reference. Another parameter no_steps_policy allows users to create_function the method transparent if no steps are found. - new method handle_steps_in_results_df to perform the same things than handle_steps_in_results_dct but directly on the synthesis dataframe. The parameters are almost the same. - New method flatten_multilevel_columns to diretly apply get_flattened_multilevel_columns on the columns of a dataframe - pivot_steps_on_df now has the ability to detect parameter and fixture names from the provided pytest session, so as not to pivot them (they should be stable across steps). It also provides an error_if_not_present parameter

1.2.1 - Alignment with pytest-harvest 1.2.1

pytest-harvest 1.2 provides default fixtures and fixes a few issues in the synthesis dictionary (in particular fixture and fixture parameters were overlapping each other). We aligned pytest-steps to leverage it.

Also, minor improvement: the unique id internally generated for each test now includes the pytest object. In practice this does not change anything for most use cases, but it might allow later refactoring, and better diagnostics.

1.2.0 - Internal refactoring: we now use a more robust method to identify tests that are steps of the same test.

This fixes some bugs that were happening on edge cases where several parameters had the same string id representation (or one was a substring of the other). Fixed #21.

1.1.2 - pytest-harvest is now an optional dependency

Fixed #20

1.1.1 - fixed ordering issue in generator mode

Fixed a pytest ordering issue in generator mode, by relying on place_as. Fixed #18.

1.1.0 - pytest-harvest utilities + @one_per_step fix

Fixed: @one_per_step can now be used with generator-style fixtures.

API: - New method get_underlying_fixture to Truly get a fixture value even if it comes from a @one_per_step - internal constant INNER_STEP_ARGNAME is now named GENERATOR_MODE_STEP_ARGNAME - 5 new utility methods to support combining this plugin with pytest-harvest (see documentation for details): handle_steps_in_results_dct, remove_step_from_test_id, get_all_pytest_param_names_except_step_id, pivot_steps_on_df, get_flattened_multilevel_columns

1.0.4 in progress - improved readability

Improved readability in signature-fiddling hacks: now the logic is separate from the two generated function signatures, both for generator and parametrizer modes.

1.0.3 - fix: request in arguments with new generator mode

Test functions using new generator mode can now use the 'request' parameter. Fixed #12

1.0.2 - fix for old version of decorator lib

1.0.1 - removed deprecation warnings

  • Removed some deprecation warnings appearing in latest pytest 3.x, about the future pytest 4 to come. Fixed #10

1.0.0 - new "generator" mode + pytest 2.x compliance

You can now implement your test steps as yield statements in a generator. See documentation for details. Closes #6

Parametrized mode now works with older version of pytest (where @pytest.fixture did not have a name= parameter). Fixes #9

0.7.2 - minor encoding issue in

0.7.1 - Fixed regression on python 3

Python 3: After last tag a new bug appeared: an empty test named test_steps was created. Fixed it #5.

0.7.0 - Python 2 support

0.6.0 - New @depends_on decorator

  • Added a first version of @depends_on decorator. Fixes #1

0.5.0 - First public version

  • Initial fork from pytest-cases
  • A few renames for readability: ResultsHolder becomes StepsDataHolder, and the default name for the holder becomes 'steps_data'.
  • Documentation